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Easy way to make popcorn...

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Maybe some of you already knew about this, but I just found it in my Foodnetwork magazine. Ds loves it and there's no added color, hydrogenated oils or artificial flavors.


Take a small bowl (cereal size, not plastic) and add 1/2 t. peanut oil then 1/4 cup of popcorn. Put in a paper lunch bag (these were 50 for $.99 at Publix) and fold over the bag a few times. Pop for 2 minutes in microwave on high. We added a little melted butter and salt.


Be careful when you take it out as the bowl will be REALLY hot. I had to use a towel.

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I started microwave popping all of ours in an ancient (fromt eh 90s) popcorn bowl I found at the thrift store. The popcorn is cheaper, the salt I can buy in a huge bottle at Sam's for $5 or so, and it tastes way better than the prepackaged stuff. I like my bowl thing better than a paperbag since all I have to do is wash it.

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Target sells popcorn bowls that you use for popping corn in the microwave, and it requires NO oil. Just pour in some seeds, pop on the lid, and use the "popcorn" button on your microwave. :) Costs I think nine bucks? Ours has lasted us for years. My kids LOVE it. :)

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