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Teen girl dilemma

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Wow...just wow...and I'm not sure if I should say something or just stay out of it. My daughter, who is in PS high school, has a friend (they don't hang out together but board their horses at the same barn and they go to the same school) this other girl is a year younger. Anyway, the girl has a boyfriend and my daughter knows the boy's brother. The brother was telling my daughter today that he can't stand the girlfriend and that he thinks his brother is using her because "she puts out". This girl's mom is a good friend of mine but the mom has made some very poor choices in men and is the type that always has to have a boyfriend and has several since we've known each other. She has made comments in the past about what a great relationship I have with both of my daughters by the way. So, needless to say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and I feel very badly for both of these women. Part of me wants to mention that there are rumors (brother talking to my daughter, whom I totally believe) going around about her daughter but then a bigger part of me says to just stay out of it. I've seen this girl go from a very bright, almost nerdy kind of child to...well...this...in just a few short years and the change is crazy and not in a good crazy way. Maybe I'm just thinking out loud?:confused:

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One of my good friends confided in me that she did not like the girl her son was dating and she was glad they had split. When my dh caught them on our property in a compromising situation, I thought a while and called the mom and let her know.


She was glad, we are still friends, her son still speaks to us and I'm glad I snitched on them. YMMV.

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