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Help with sale.


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Are you looking to buy something? If so, simply send a private message to the seller by clicking on their user name (you will see a few options pop up including private message). They will provide the details you need to complete the purchase.


To sell books, I think you have to have 50 posts.


Welcome to the Hive!



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  • 4 weeks later...

How do you all do this? What do I post? I'm kind of dense sometimes.

A newbie here for selling and I have Loads of nice classical books from many years of homeschooling. Our oldest is 28 and youngest 11.

Brian Ray's wife said that I had good taste. Her husband does all of the statistical info. for HSLDA and I saw her at a convention.



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Hi Anissa and cyndi60!

I still consider myself a "new" member here even though I've lurked for years. Look for posts you think you can reply to and you'll achieve the 50 posts requirement in no time. Even if all you say is "hugs." I've bought one book here so far, and I hope to sell as soon as I can get my books into some sort of order and get my PayPal account set up. I'm still decluttering here and teaching my dd14 first year of high school so selling books is a low priority right now. Go to the FOR SALE forum and look at how other people are posting their items for sale to get an idea about how to do it. And keep a lookout for or do a search for threads about what problems might crop up when selling and buying, and how to avoid those problems, if possible.


Welcome, and best wishes!

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Hi guys!

You need to go read the info over on the "For Sale" forums. There's lots of info there. The 50 posts rule was implemented to weed out those who were dealers and build trust between members. If you simply post "hugs," people might suspect you're not really a contributing member, and they might not buy from you. Also, if you are looking for a guideline on how to price/sell your items, go do a search on the For Sale forums. There's been several discussions over there.






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