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Just a little vent about Facebook.. if you don't mind..

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I have a friend who never posts anything positive as a Facebook status, but always negative, complaining things about how difficult life is. I'm truly sorry if that's the reality, but I'm several thousand miles away, so I can't do anything but try to be cheerful to this friend and pray. But it does get me down at times.


Thanks for listening.

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I think, for some folks, it's their only way to complain to an audience who can't do anything about it but give empathy. That..or they're really just looking for drama LOL (not your friend in particular, but there are those who do).


You can always hide them for awhile to escape it...and have a break.

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Guest janainaz

I've got one of those too. It actually serves as my reminder that how we approach life determines how we feel. If we enter every day in a negative and poor me frame of mind, that is what we get back. The person on my list that is always negative seems to always have bad things happen - day after day.

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