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does your 10-15yo have their 'own' computer?

Does your 10-15yo have a computer for their sole use?  

  1. 1. Does your 10-15yo have a computer for their sole use?

    • Yes, my 10-11yo has his/her own computer
    • No, my 10-11yo doesn't
    • Yes, my 12-13yo has his/her own computer
    • No, my 12-13yo doesn't
    • Yes, my 14-15yo has his/her own computer
    • No, my 14-15yo doesn't
    • Other

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My 10 yr old has her own laptop.

This is only because It was mine previously and I was having issues with the vista and needed something I could rely on for my internet college courses.


She really doesnt spend a whole lot of time on it, just some games

Hopefully it will be handy for school work.

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My husband has his own computer for his office ... I have my own computer for my medical transcription. Two feet away from my computer is the "family computer" which the kids use .. it has school stuff loaded on it (ie Rosetta Stone, Dave Ramsey, Typing programs, etc) as well as Skype, web cam, family pictures, etc. While it isn't exclusively their computer, it's what the kids use.

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Both 5yos, my 7yo, 9yo, and 12yo all have their own computers. I got them off of a govt auction site and they were affordable. That's the only reason they got them, but this year I have found so many wonderful computer curricula that I'm thrilled they have them. None are hooked to the internet though.

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