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Have you found a planner that your *dc* love to use?

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We were looking at the NARHS site, perusing their ideas [even tho we won't be using them :)], and ds liked the description and lay out of the planner. I am considering buying it, but we'll head to the teacher store also.


I think he likes the idea of a heavier paper --does anyone use the NARHS one?

I can't get my printer to feed cardstock or I'd just print my own!! He also liked the little boxes for tracking hours.


Does anyone have a planner for their high schooler to use daily, one that they enjoy using? i want to encourage USE of this, lol.



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She is a serious organizational buff, and finds that the NARHS planner (dd is enrolled in NARHS) is really good. It has space to write down what she has accomplished each day, and also a time tracker, which is mandatory with NARHS. The only thing she wishes is that there was also a built in calendar so that she could write in due dates and test dates ahead of time to help in budgeting her time.


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Although I have not seen the planner already referred to here, we are using the "Homeschooler's High School Journal" with my 2 ds's.


I discovered this a couple years ago and currently intend to use it for all my dc through high school years. You purchase 1 per child per year at around $11 each.


There is a calendar year at a glance in the beginning. The dates are not pre-printed, nor are the subject titles. Each week has sections you could write in the subject per day (so if your family studies history 1 day in depth, then science the next, you are free to do so). Each week has a spot to report special activities or field trips along with a spot to fill in hours per subject arranged in 15 minute intervals. Author recommends you use a 1-2 letter code per subject to help calculating points. This is excellent for anyone who does not use a traditional textbook. I use different colored inks for the points, codes, subjects, and lesson assignments. You could also use the lesson assignment area as more of a journal.


At the end of the book are several pages of various record keeping forms - like test scores, a log of books, videos, and websites used, library lending, and more.


Hope this helps!


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