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Writing with Ease questions


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I tried Writing Strands and I just don't like it. My kids all found it rather boring and didn't really get the point.

I'd like to get WWE for all of them.


Should she just start at WWE1?

What ab for my 12 you and 10 yo dc?



Well, in your case I would buy the textbook (The Complete Writer) to get the overall picture of what the program is trying to accomplish and why. Then, you could use the textbook to move the kids through at their individual paces, pulling your passages from your history/lit/science readings.


This might be a lot of work initially, but so would using several levels with several different kids.:tongue_smilie: It would also eliminate the cost of buying several copies of each level workbook and then finding out your olders don't need 6 weeks of practice on a particular skill....


FWIW, I used WWE1 and now WWE2 (we're on week 29) with my ds8 and I think it's a fabulous program! I'll start it with dd5 next year when she's in 1st grade (and reading, we hope!:))



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We were also a little bored with WS. It was okay, but seemed a little random. Maybe it was just that my kids writing skills were needing something a bit different. They were so used to and loved writing creatively (as they learned to do in PS), but couldn't put anything but their imaginations down on paper. I switched to WWE and went through level 3 last year with a 10 and 12 year old. It was perfect and their writing improved enormously. DD did not like it, but because I could see the strides she was making I did not give her a choice of switching. It is just a subject she doesn't like and I am fine with that. We will finish up with WWE 4 this year.



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Well, in your case I would buy the textbook (The Complete Writer) to get the overall picture of what the program is trying to accomplish and why. Then, you could use the textbook to move the kids through at their individual paces, pulling your passages from your history/lit/science readings.

:iagree:There are enough weeks' examples in this to give you a good idea of what level to get if you want to buy the student texts, or to start you off before you begin picking out your own material. You can probably start in level 2 (though read through the book & find where they can comfortably start - better to have a positive start & need to move up than start too hard & be discouraged. I recommend ignoring where it says 'year' and just think of it as levels)

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Thanks so much! My 8 yo is WELL below her "grade level" and that has been MY biggest adjustment since beginning to homeschool this year. Getting past this idea that she is this grade or that grade. And just working with HER.


Her writing skills are very basic. My other kids are good basic writers and with tons of prodding they could be SO much better.


I'm off to add the complete writer to my rainbow wish list, as i prepare a new order.

Thanks y'all :)

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