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HELP! I cant find the negative number button on my dd scientific calculator


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On the TI-30XIIS, the negative sign is on the bottom row.

The keys are

0 . (-)


The (-) is your negative sign.

Keep it distinct from the subtraction sign (under the x and above +).


This model should work just fine through algebra 1 (and probably beyond). If you have questions on how to enter something or what they're telling you to do post & ask! (Or send me a PM if you want & I can probably help - I've got the TI-30XIIS and the 83 & 84 graphing calcs too.)


You wouldn't push a key to change a number to a negative... you'd just enter the number as it is.


For instance, if you're adding 3 + (-6), you'd enter

3 + (-) 6 =


On older scientific calculators, you sometimes would have to enter

3 + 6 (then hit negative key to get -6).

You don't need to do this on the 30XIIS - you get to enter it just like it looks :) Much much nicer!

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