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Language arts for 6th grade with no formal language arts study


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I'm trying to figure out what to do with my 5th grader for language arts for the upcoming school year.


Any thoughts on Grammar and Writing for 6th grade? He is a very high functioning Aspie if that makes a difference. He doesn't like to write much but is getting better with that. In the past we have been pretty relaxed about just doing things here and there. It was fine but now I think it's time to start some formal study with him. He isn't as resistant as he was.


I'm considering doing some kind of overview of basic English Grammar for the rest of this year and summer. Then start something formal in the fall.


I would love something reuseable.

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If he hasn't done much formal grammar, you could even start in GWG 4 to review and just move at a quicker pace. It covers diagramming from the basic S/V to higher levels. In fact, GWG4 would probably be a good place to start. It is a workbook format, so not a lot of writing required. My ds9 loves GWG. As for writing...there are a bunch of programs to choose from. We'll be using Jump In! for my 7th grader. My ds9 also really enjoys Wordsmith Apprentice which might be a better choice for your 6th grader. The book is set up like the child is a newspaper reporter and takes them through writing different kinds of stories. I do believe SWB has written a review on this program on her website? I think I remember seeing a link somewhere!


GWG is also fairly inexpensive, as is Wordsmith Apprentice. HTH a bit...I'm sure you'll get lots more great suggestions!

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I don't know if this will fit your criteria, but my aspie dd(13) has done well with Rod & Staff for grammar. This is our 3rd year using it. We started her with the 5th grade book in 6th grade, finished it in 7th grade.


That said, we do make modifications. We do the lessons orally, she reads along in her book while I read the lessons that is in her book. The lessons in the student books are very good at presenting the concepts, so I don't bother with teaching from the TM. I use the TM for grading and any helps I might need. We then do either the oral or written exercises orally and usually only odd's or even's if she grasped the concept. We also do the review because dd needs review to keep the concept there in her head. If anything can't be done orally (diagramming) then we do it on a white board. The only "writing" she does is for the review and the tests. The first year we used the writing lessons in Rod and Staff, but dd struggles with writing and it just wasn't a good fit. This year we are trying Apologia's Jump In Writing along with R&S and it is working very well. It breaks the lessons into such little chunks of writing that it is not intimidating for the writing phobic child.


Dd does well at English but only tolerates it, it's definitely not a favorite subject.


If he has had very little formal English, then you could start with R&S 4th grade and work your way up. 5th grade really sets the stage and there is a big leap from the 5th grade book to the 6th.


Hope this helps some.

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