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Great deal on a laminator

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I got this Purple Cow laminator at Costco for $18.99. It sells on Amazon for double the price. It comes with 100 laminating sheets, 40 letter size and 60 smaller sheets.



Just wanted to let everyone know in case you were in the market for a laminator. I have yet to use it, but I will tonight. I will let you know how I like it.

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Thanks! I bought one today. As it's my first laminator ever, I have some questions:


1. Can you use any brand of pouches in it? It takes 3mil and 5mil hot, as well as cold pouches.

2. The 2 sheets of magazine cutouts I laminated came out wavy at the end. Google says this happens when the temp is too high. I'm pretty sure I had it set correctly for the 3mil sheets. Is it because magazine paper is so thin? Now what? Can I get it unwavy somehow? I've already cut them apart. Will it hurt them or the machine if I run them through again?


Thank you!

Edited by harris
whoops! abbreviation error
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I didn't have any problems with any of my stuff being wavy. It did say that if it does that then the machine is too hot. Try turning off the machine and then starting it back up.


It says to just use their laminating sheets, but I think it is all the same. I am going to just buy some random sheets this weekend to test it out.


I really like the machine and haven't had any issues with it so far. It worked great for me. I hope you get it all figured out.

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Thanks! I only saw the manual mention "curling," which I suppose could be the same thing I'm calling "wavy." Mine was more like ripples. I'll play around with it some more and try letting it cool a bit, or not letting it warm up so long.


Let us know how the random sheets work for you! I always wonder when companies say to use only their stuff if it's really necessary. ;)

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Just in case any other laminator newbies are curious:


I ran them through a couple times again while it was heating up, and then a few more on the "cool" setting once it was hot. They look much better! The super ripply ones still show their waves if you catch them in the light the right way, but they all lie flat on the table now.

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