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to supplement Right Start B with Math Mammoth


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would the light blue series or the individual blue books be better? My boys love RS. I would just like to have something alittle more to give them from a little different perspective. Do you think math mammoth fits that? And I'm wondering which of the series would be easier to use this way. What do you think?


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Could you please tell me more about why you think MEP would be better than MM? What are the major differences in them? I did look at some of MEP and I wasn't sure I understood it quite as well as the MM. Do you find one easier to use than the other. Thanks for any information you can give me.

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MEP seems to stretch the child. Search for it on this forum and read more if you would. One problem my dd had in MEP4 this week used the same exact #'s in 5 different problems in a row, just changing the wording so she had to notice the differences and understand the nuances of language:

George has 324 stamps and Rita has 3 times as many. how many does R have.

Helen has 324 postcards which is 3 times as many as Mary...

Steve has 324 marbles which is a quarter of the # that Jack has...

Johnny has 324 football cards and Mike has 1/4 that many...

Charlie has $324. How many cars can he buy at $9 each and how much $ will he have left.


I just loved seeing her think and work it!


MM's problems rock too, they just don't stretch my dd quite this much. They are just different. Like I said, we have all 3. I am a curriculum junkie and I love MM and MEP and RS and wish there was more TIME!

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I don't have experience with RS or MEP, but I have the light blue of MM2 and the blue of addition 1. I say the individual books would be more than enough for supplementing/review. I just got addition 1 on sale from currclick. For about $3 I got 66 pages of addition practice/review for my dd. I am a MM fan (so far). But free is nice--I am sure MEP is a great choice, too.

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Thank you both.One question in the light blue series are the topics all mixed up or is addition together, subtraction together, place value etc. If it is mixed up that that is why I was thinking it might be easier to pick what I need out of the indiviual books. Any one else have an opinion? Thanks

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal

I use MM to supplement MUS. I use the Blue Series so I can choose any topic. The instruction in the Light Blue Series and Blue Series is the same. The only differences are (according to what the author told me) are the way they are organized (topic vs grade) and the Light Blue Series has additional tests and some review that the Blue Series doesn't. If it's being used to supplement another curricula you don't need the tests and little bit of additional review. Each book of the Light Blue Series (3A, 3B, etc) is one semester and covers many topics. Each book of the Blue Series is one of a series of topics (Add/Subtract 1, Add/Subtract 2) and each book spans more than one grade level (the 1 & 2 aren't grade levels, they are just numbering the order of the series).


If you want to follow MM's course of study to expose your child to things that aren't addressed in RS yet I would use the Light Blue Series (though probably skip the tests and review as you'll have that in RS). If you want to expose your child to different ways of doing things they are already studying in RS then I would go with the Blue Series.

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