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What's wrong with my arm?

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I've searched webmd but I can't figure out what is up with my right arm.


My right arm (the one I used to work the computer mouse) is acting oddly. It feels like its cold and I can't seem to make it feel 'warm' ... it's generally painful overall, espcially when I'm just sitting or on the computer. I had Shingles as a kid, and this is a similar "pain" in the area of my upper arm, but there is no rash or other shingle-ish symptoms.


My right shoulder was also bothering me lately - the chiropractor said its bursitis and told me to ice it and take otc pain reliever. I don't generally pop a pill for minor stuff and since my arm feels 'cold' anyway I've not tried the ice yet either. My shoulder seems to hurt when I try to put on a jacket... I get a tinge of pain.


Argh. Growing old has a lot in common with an all day lollipop.

Would you schedule a doctor visit for nothing more concrete than a "cold arm?"

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I'm sorry that I have no ideas about what's causing your arm to feel that way; however, I just wanted to encourage you to make an appointment. If it is bothering you this much, it is worth a checkup. Even if it turns out to be "nothing" you'll have more peace of mind.




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It could be tendonitis. I first developed this when I used to NordicTrack. It is cause by repetitive movement. Your tendon that runs through your shoulder develops little bumps on it (picture one of those old chains that looks like it has b-b's on it and fastens by pulling a b-b through a slot).


Mine would often feel cold like that and really painful. It goes away (I haven't had a recurrence for like 3 years now!) But, it will come back if you injure it again. Mine was gone for years, but came back in Fl, when I carried my suitcases out of the airport!


What can yo do about it? Your chiropractor should have an ultrasound machine. Not the kind used for looking at babies, but a low frequency heat. Have him use that on your shoulder and down your arm. When I have this therapy only once, I am fixed! But it could take a couple treatments.

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bad for about six months, then the pain subsided, but it comes back off and on. Ibuprofen (600 mg.) did not touch the pain for me. I used arthritis cream for a week and that helped a little. I did some research online and started taking Bromelain last week. I've had no pain since. It's great for inflammation. I would just start w/ 500 mg. and go from there, if you want to try it.



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(and it sounds like you really do) then the inflammation that accompanies that could be pressing on nerves. When it's really pressing, you'd know it because your hands will fall asleep. However, the inflammation could be causing lighter pressure, causing a very light numbness.


I know this because I live with it--I have bone spurs in my spine that cause funny nerve reactions. My hands are lightly numb a lot of the time, and sometimes fall asleep.


You should treat your bursitis as your doctor recommended--you do not want this to get worse. Take the ibuprofen NOT because of pain but specifically to reduce inflammation. Icing your shoulder and arm will also reduce inflammation. You should also rest that side.


If treated aggressively it may clear up in a month. By that I mean taking ibuprofen and icing it 2-3 times a day.


For whatever it is worth, I don't like to just pop pills either, and I do try to use a more natural approach whenever possible. In my case, for example, I manage my osteoarthritis primarily through exercise/stretching.


However, I have learned, through my own painful experience, that tendon problems like bursitis do need to be addressed by reducing inflammation aggressively and with rest.


I would recommend that you talk to a specialist (possibly a rheumatologist? or other arthritis kinda guy).

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I'm going to start doing what the chiropractor told me to do - but do it purpsoefully and aggressively (ice and otc ibupro.) and see how it goes. If no relief I"ll phone the regular doc for an appt. I appreciate your insight and encouragement.

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