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Winter's Promise - Almost ready to order


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I think we've decided on Winter's Promise for the upcoming school year, the Adventures in the Sea and Sky volume for my boys, ages 10 and 12. My 10 year old prefers science (especially space) to history, and likes hands-on activities and we really need a schedule! I've tried making my own schedules but I need to feel more accountable, and I want very little planning. I debated a lot on using Sonlight 4, Oak Meadow or TOG. Sonlight is always in the back of my mind, as I love the books (we have done SL 1-3), as is Oak Meadow (which we've never tried). I do want something geared more to my 10 year old; he doesn't 'love' school like my 12 year old does. I don't want to get bogged down in trying to read a ton - we love reading aloud but found SL to be a lot of reading and the books are heavy for the age recommended.


Two questions:

1. Any extras you would order with WP? I'm getting two copies of the consumables and getting Life of Fred for grades 5/6 to try.


2. Given what I mentioned above, do you think this is a good fit for us? Or would you go with Oak Meadow or SL?



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From what you've said, it sounds like WP is a better fit for you than SL. I can't speak to Oak Meadow.


If you're planning to start school soon you had better get your WP order in ASAP as it can take a while to get all the components.

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Guest Cindie2dds

Well, I love Oak Meadow, so I would recommend them; however, if you are set on ordering Winter Promise, only order the exclusives from them. This time of year is crazy busy and they are not known for prompt shipment. It took me over three months to get my books from them last summer. Good luck!

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What do you love about Oak Meadow? I've looked at it a lot, and I used the Growing, Growing Strong book and their teacher's manual for K-3 when we were more unschooling in our homeschool. I really like the look of WP but am a bit hesitant because we tried to do KONOS a couple times and hated it (it felt forced and contrived and it seems that the more planning I do, the less the kids like something). I'm also not happy about hearing so many bad things about their shipping (after being ecstatic that it was free).

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I am using Sea and Sky this year with my ten year old. My nine year old is also joining in.


I agree with ordering the exclusives from WP and using another source for the other books if you plan on starting soon.


I don't know anything about Oak Meadow.

I am also using Sonlight with my younger children and we are really enjoying that, too.


I think WP is more planning than SL. This is due to the projects/hands-on activities and the consumable items. However, it does have the accountable grid schedule and everything laid out for you week by week. The guide has tons of links and ideas and information. I had a bunch of photocopying to do, too before we started our year.


We are only just begun with Sea and Sky- week 3. But- as far as I have felt/can tell- you will not be bogged down with the readings. It is all quite interesting and they reinforce each other nicely. It does have a much "lighter" feel than Sonlight. WinterPromise is fun. It is interesting. It feels like "real-learning" if that makes sense to me. We just went out to see the Meteor showers this past week and it felt like an extension of our studies. It is easy to find movies and other books (library) to enhance the topic and really take it further. We aren't doing too much of that cause of the balance in our family... but it does have that potential.



There are enough "easy" activities each week that we can complete some without it overwhelming me- which is saying a lot! ;)


I think your ten year old would love it. Especially if he likes science and is interested in the topic. I have no experience with twelve year olds yet...:D Do you think it is "meaty" enough for your twelve year old? There is an older learner guide. Would you use that for him? Only you know about that... if your twelve year old is a reader- he could read a lot on his own to supplement the topics.


As far as extra items:

I would get the readers even if you are not using the LA. They really enhance the study.

I would get the timeline figures for sure.

I would also get the World History Atlas recommended by them in your catalog. This is a key component of the mapping activities and I also purchased the World Map CD by Homeschool in the Woods(they have rec.on website/catalog) and feel it is a great value and really helps the program.

The guide has a lot of rec. for History Channel DVDs that you can use to enhance your studies- if you want- but they are NOT necessary.


I hope this helps!


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Thanks Rebecca, it does sound perfect for my 10 year old! I'm hoping it will be enough for my 12 year old with the supplement, I'll have to try it and see. I think it will be fine since we've been pretty relaxed homeschoolers in the past. Doing the writing assignments and research will challenge him.



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I used WP S & S last year w/ my 11 yo ds --he loved it. It was very easy to implement and I just let him select the projects that he wanted to do. I did purchase a couple kits from home training tools just bec it was easier and it had to do w/ science that ds wanted to do ---it also dovetailed nicely w/ dd's Earth & Space Science from BJU so I could kill two birds w/ one stone.


If you call your order in they can give you an idea of what is in stock and when it should ship. I ordered a week ago for CAW and two science programs --they told me my materials should be shipping out this week.


I've never used Oak Meadow --although I've been curious. But, we do use SL and tried KONOS several times when my middles were younger. KONOS for me just took way too much planning and never felt the same that our WP programs have for us.

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Guest Cindie2dds
What do you love about Oak Meadow? I've looked at it a lot, and I used the Growing, Growing Strong book and their teacher's manual for K-3 when we were more unschooling in our homeschool. I really like the look of WP but am a bit hesitant because we tried to do KONOS a couple times and hated it (it felt forced and contrived and it seems that the more planning I do, the less the kids like something). I'm also not happy about hearing so many bad things about their shipping (after being ecstatic that it was free).


I like the completeness of the program and how every subject flows together. You can tell they have been in the business for a very long time. The crafts are high quality and relevant to the subject or season. I didn't feel the same about Winter Promise. There were too many unrelated paper crafts that were large and a lot of work for little return. Oak Meadow requires a lot of thinking in the younger grades with observation and recording in a blank book so it's all about the child and what she sees and understands. It becomes very rigorous but fun in OM 4 and up with a lot of writing assignments.


I like the real life skills and crafts (woodworking, knitting, baking, crocheting, etc.) I also love their observation and recording of natural science in the younger grades.


Hope that helps.

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That does help a lot, thanks. I have tried some curriculum books previously that were so poorly written that it's made me weary of going outside the bigger companies. I found KONOS to be that way, and Understanding God's Creation - things just didn't fit together well for us with those two. I like lots of writing as that is where my oldest is strong, and my youngest really likes hands-on activities and things around the house.



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Guest Cindie2dds

You're welcome. Audrey (that's her name here also) has a son using OM 6 right now. You can pm her and ask her more details. She's helped me a lot with all my Oak Meadow questions.

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WP's shipping has gotten quite a bit better since they moved their company from an island in Vermont to mainland Michigan. It still isn't as fast as SL. And they do charge a flat rate for shipping now ($20), whereas it used to be free if you ordered a package or over a certain amount.


We used Sea and Sky a couple of years ago with my then 8 (with the Young learner's guide) and 10 yo boys. The 10 yo LOVED the program, and thinks no year will ever compare to that one! So I think it will be a great fit for you!


As far as extras, did you mean outside of the curriculum? The program is so full that you may not need or want anything. But a WP mom has posted on her website (www.guesthollow.com) some extras that she did along with the program.


Good luck deciding!

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