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Just sharing my Van Gogh Resources


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We studied Van Gogh last year - read a book from the library written by his brother, really interesting. I was reading with my 6 and 4 yo. We got towards the end and I did not realize he killed himself, until I read it!! I had to explain this somewhat mellow to my children, since I was right there reading it. A very tragic end, plus all the mental issues. Just be warned. Don't remember the name of the book, something like Vincent my brother?


Anyway, we studied his technique in Starry Night - and my dd did a reproduction of it and got first place in our homeschool group art show.

:-) Had to put that in so it won't be all bad.

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I have the Renaissance Artists and Baroque Artists studies on the left-hand side of my blog. I am almost finished typing up the list of books we used when we studied Monet. My boys were younger, so I didn't do much "appreciation." We just read books and looked at the pretty pictures. :)


Thank you for these! do you have any other artist studies?
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