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QUICK! Gluten free baking question...

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I'm making these pumpkin bars from gluten free goddess. I have NEVER baked gluten free before but we are having a party tomorrow and there are kids there both GF and diary free, so I thought I'd try it. The recipe calls for Pamela's Ultimate Baking Mix but because it was so expensive I got Bob's Red Mil GF baking mix. But it's not a mix, it's a flour mix, so I have to add baking soda, baking powder, salt and either guar gum or xantham gum. I don't have guar or xantham gum!! And I don't have time to go back to the store! Will they turn out okay without this? I have cream of tartar..:confused:

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Hmm, I don't know for sure. The Guar Gum/Xanthan Gum is the gluten replacement. Do you have any psyllium? I'm wondering if that might work as a substitute?


We are gluten free, but I only bake from recipes or mixes so don't have much experience substituting. :tongue_smilie:


I'd love to know if/what you work out, though!

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I eat g/f and have cooked with other "things". What you need is something gooey and sticky...do you have any tapioca around? That an act as a good binder.


Also, finely crushed oatmeal can work. However, some people consider oatmeal to have gluten, others don't. So it depends on how your body handles it.....

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If you have a few prunes, you could mash/blend them up and that might do the trick. :) Maybe go just a tad light on the oil too. Just a thought, I haven't baked these, but they look yummy. I am GF and I've had luck baking a few things without guar gum or xantham. I'm not a sweets kind of girl though, so I'm no expert at it. Good luck! Really the amount of wet/sticky ingredients in this recipe it would likely be just fine omitting the xantham. I'd probably just go for it. Oh and unless you have oatmeal that is tested GF I'd probably be on the safe side and either not use it or ask.

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Okay, so I did have some tapioca on hand (strangely) and I added a teaspoon of it. I don't know how that would affect the taste, but so far so good, they baked just fine. It looks like a sheet cake in a 9x13. Next I'll ice them when they've cooled and slice them up. That'll be the first opportunity to taste them. I hope they turn out okay!!


Thanks for the advice!

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