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Quick question about AAS


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We are in the first book. My daughter (2nd grade 7 year old) Is slow with phonics and spelling...I am hoping this helps her.


We are doing the short E lesson right now. She seemed to have gotten the lesson just fine then I 'tested' her. She got three of them wrong. She used an "i" rather than an "e" in the word. I know that it's probably how I say the word (I'm cajun..what can I say..lol) but how do I avoid this...no matter how I TRY to pronounce things, it'll still come out how my accent makes it sound. What do I do? I read through the directions and I couldn't find anything about what to do when they miss a word when they write them down.




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We're finishing up Level 1 now (only found AAS in March). My son's had difficulty when he doesn't segment a word, so having your daughter say each sound as she writes it, then repeat the word looking at the overall spelling may help. It may be that more work at the board with tiles would be good.


If the issue seems to be more with your accent, you could be online and have the words read by dictionary.com ...


I know the author does mention "pronounce for spelling" when she talks about some words (forget exactly where this was... but I think it's mentioned a couple of times).


Good luck!

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I can't really tell where most of the problem lies actually. I'm pretty articulate and really made an effort to say the word properly. When she misses a word, do I not move on to the next lesson until she can get it right, or do I move on and keep reviewing that? I'm not sure how to handle it.

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If it's only one or two words, I move to the next step and continue to review. I don't check off the prior step until I feel that all words are mastered. I will occasionally just write a word or a dictation phrase in the next step to continue to review.


Right now we're working on Step 22 (compound words) and 23 (plurals). I figure with a couple more days I'll be comfortable checking off 22 and moving on to 24 while we keep reviewing 23. Without having a student book, my son doesn't see where he is, so working on a couple of steps at a time doesn't seem to be an issue for him - and whenever I say, "You can check that step off on the progress chart," it seems to be a treat.

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English is my second language, too. My first is Romanian (latin origin). I cannot pronounce a good short i for the life of me... my dd always corrects me.

I was thinking you could use the All about spelling cd to help with the sounds? Maybe having her listen and play on the computer with the cd.

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