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14 year old out with friends in the City until 3 am... Yikes

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I was at a birthday party with my 14-year old son for his cousin (my husbands family). My jaw dropped when another cousin, who is also just 14, told my son that he was a "little tired" because he was "out with older friends" in Chicago the previous night until 3 am. At first I thought it was just a story, but the mom (my husbands second cousin) confirmed the story! I didn't get any further details on specifics of who these friends were, etc. etc...but I heard just enough to make my head spin.


I just cant even begin to tell you what horrible feelings that I have for this "mom" and her lack of parenting skills. We always knew that she wasn't the greatest parent, but this tops the cake. Besides the obvious and the legality questions of curfew (whether he was with an adult or not I don't know). Anyway, except for family gatherings that we can not avoid, we try to avoid these people socially.


Sorry for the rant...but I just couldn't believe a parent (and family member) could be so irrespsonsible. A 14 year old old is still just a child...

Edited by CarolfromIL
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Sorry, I really think you are judging a bit quick on this. You openly admit that you don't know what they were doing or who they were doing it with. Just because a clock says 3am doesn't mean they were up to no good.


DS15 was out until 3:30am just 2 nights ago. He was with a responsible adult and other teens. They were at a monthly game event where they play mini-war games (teens/adults) at a church. Afterward, they stopped at a grocery store so the adult could buy food for the next mornings breakfast.



I would be very upset if someone was judging my parenting skills, based solely on the fact that my son was out until 3 with friends. If I found out that your were judging me without the facts, I don't think I would allow my son to hang out with your family either, less he be falsely accused of mischief when there was none!

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Sorry, I really think you are judging a bit quick on this. You openly admit that you don't know what they were doing or who they were doing it with. Just because a clock says 3am doesn't mean they were up to no good.


I would be very upset if someone was judging my parenting skills, based solely on the fact that my son was out until 3 with friends. If I found out that your were judging me without the facts, I don't think I would allow my son to hang out with your family either, less he be falsely accused of mischief when there was none!



:iagree:I'd get the specifics before I drew any conclusions, especially negative ones.

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