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Could I use IEW Student Writing Intensive C effectively with my 8th and 10th graders without buying the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style DVDs? I'm wondering if I'll have time to view them, but I really want to have my kids learn to be good writers. Also, would you use a theme-based (medieval) series in addition, or is this overkill? Thanks!

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I think you can...TWSS will augment it, but as long as you have the SWI-C DVD's you'll do fine..feel free to let them go at their own pace, use the reinforcement lessons if you see them not completely grasping something....


I think for your 10th grader you might consider the Elegant Essay and Teaching the HIgh School Intensive Essay....if they're going on to take SAT/ACT....Medieval would be a good choice for the 8th grader, both would benefit,


I'd do SWI now through December, (15 lessons) and Pick something for the next semester...also having them do a refresher on grammar (some stuff included in the Student Resource Notebook) will serve them well!



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Guest Cheryl in SoCal

I agree that you can use SWI-C without TWSS but you will not go through all the units. Following it with SICC-C will take the student through all but Unit 9.

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