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Alternative to History of US - All American History II? Other?

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I am just so stumped, and I know there have been threads about this sort of thing, but someone please humor me and help me out here! I am trying to find a history spine to use with ds12 and two ds almost 10 this year, as we study the 4th year in the history cycle. I was planning to use a History of US, but I remembered finding lots of bias in these books when I used them with dd years ago, so I borrowed them from the library to pre-read before I order. The bias was there indeed, very strongly. I was particularly turned off by the section on McCarthy ("He was a liar," it opens, "Not your ordinary small-time fibber. No, Senator Joseph McCarthy was an enormous, outrageous, beyond-belief liar."), and by the statement that "some Americans disliked and feared communists because communists do not believe in God." (Heard of the Iron Curtain or the Cultural Revolution, anyone?)


In any case, I don't want to start a heated text-book debate, but I would very much like suggestions on what might be a nice spine to use as an alternative to these books. Would All American History II be too advanced for 4th graders?

Thank you,


mom to 6 great kids ages 7-19, schooling grades 2, 4, 4, and 7

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These are great options, thank you. We used and loved BF's Early American lit guide years ago, and I will be incorporating bits of it for ds7. I'll check out the guide for older kids - but I was thinking it only covered early American history, and not more recent times - I will have to check. I'm looking forward to reading the thread later today (after swimming lessons and errands and...) as well , thank you!


Time Travelers look great, by the way, but I am wondering how time-intensive all the prep is. Have you used this program? Does it include text for teaching, to take the place of a spine, or just supplemental information?




mom to 6 great kids, ages 7-19, schooling grades 2, 4, 4 and 7

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Time Travelers look great, by the way, but I am wondering how time-intensive all the prep is. Have you used this program? Does it include text for teaching, to take the place of a spine, or just supplemental information?


No, I haven't used it... yet. I am really seriously considering it for this fall though! Maybe Explorers through Revolutionary Times and then the other three cds the following year.


According to the description on their website, there is a lesson text (brief) along with a full teacher's guide that makes suggestions for additional reading, films, etc., as well as teaching tips.


Samples (there are more on the website):


American Revolution


Here's a link to an older thread - go about halfway down and there are a BUNCH of helpful links to other threads!

Edited by momto2Cs
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