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Nice surprise for a change

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I received my letter from the school district yesterday. The one that says they received my portfolios and objectives, etc. When I saw the letter in the mailbox I sort of braced myself. Each year they try to find something wrong or say something negative. But, lo and behold, not this year! It was a very positive, encouraging letter. What a nice surprise! I might frame and display this one:)

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That's great!


Last year was my first year reporting and when I dropped my stuff off at the end of June, they called me later that day to complain that I hadn't submitted enough and they wanted me to "just bring in all of it, he wants to see everything you have."


Cough, Sputter, Choke. Yeah right! The PA law says SAMPLES. SAMPLES, people, not "everything you have!" And mind you, I had pulled my daughter out of school toward the end of the year that year, so I'd only homeschooled for like 3 months!


I politely but firmly refused and all summer I waited for some sort of certified letter bringing bad news. Instead, in September (finally!) I received a letter like you did, about how everything was in order and an appropriate education was being received. I was so happy that I'd stood my ground and that they'd backed down!


This year I homeschooled for the whole year- and submitted roughly the same number of samples. It's been almost a month and so far no word! I'm figuring no news is good news, and hopefully sometime in August or early September I'll receive that same form letter. And hopefully in the meanwhile I WON'T receive any negative comments or complaints! So far so good! :)

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