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Greg Landry class vs. VirtualHomeschool class? preferences?

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My two sons watched a class this morning(Biology) with VirtualHomeschool. They were doing a MysteryLab. One of my sons(8th grader) thinks he will like it but my 9th grader wasn't. I have also been looking at Greg Landry's classes however the only two options for us there would be the Pre-Chemistry or Pre-Physics class. Is there any way to view a sample class of his or how does his class differ from other online classes?

I would like to keep them in same classes as we have always done Science together but not sure if that is best.

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Just curious...but has anyone had a student participate in Greg Landry's classes? I am really needing to make a decision on science and I really feel like I need to outsource it for labs, and instruction. I don't think I am giving my boys enough as I am not that good at math/science. The look of his website appeals to me. I do not want to commit to an online class where we have to participate every day. His structure seems to work for the homeschool lifestyle and yet give me the substance I am looking for in a class. My younger son(8th) says he liked the feel of virtualhomeschoolacademy this morning but oldest(9th) wasn't as excited and I'm not sure why. I thought about maybe signing 8th grader up for it and then trying 9th with Mr. Landry's Pre-Physics fall class and pre-Chemistry in spring. I don't have a real 4 yr plan for science and I am wondering if that would work and do Biology, Chemistry in 10th and 11th. Not sure for 12th.


Does anyone have any input to offer?


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We are headed into high school science for last child and haven't been happy with anything we have used thus far. Apologia was too easy and predictable for all three of our children, so we switched to BJU for dd this year; i.e. 8th grade. The BJU is visually appealing and the text layout is better than Apologia. In fact, the BJU text has the feel of a college text, but dd figured out how to study for a good text grade so I am concerned it will be another check-the-box subject. We haven't gotten into the experiments so perhaps they will provide the spark. Because of this, I, too, have been checking into Greg Landry and have emailed him with a few questions. When I get a reponse, I will post.




P.S. I have replied to a few posts but haven't written an intro. We have graduated two from our homeschool and have a daughter in the 8th grade. We brought our sons home from p.s in 8th and 11th grade. Throughout the years, we have addressed many issues; i.e. homeschooling a student with others in p.s., bringing home older students, attempting to solve various learning problems, mentoring college for the struggling learner, and now, homeschooling only one. I joined the WTM forum because we are planning high school and tweaking what we did in the past and have already gleaned wonderful ideas. Many thanks.

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Thanks, Bonita for the reply. Please let me know if you hear anything good about Mr. Landry's class. I hadn't thought about BJU but I really feel like my oldest would like one of his classes. I did a google search on Greg Landry and found one link which gave some reviews of one of his classes. They mentioned the graphics were not that good(the reviewer did mention that this bothered her husband as that was his career) and also they mentioned the fact that you don't "see" him during the lecture. That's not a big deal to me if he is engaging as an instructor.

Again, welcome to the forum and I look forward to seeing you along the way!

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