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7th grade reading list?


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Hello! I am brand new to HS, and I have a DS12 who has been at public school his whole school life. He will be starting 7th grade as a HS'er this year, and he is also diagnosed with Asperger's. I have read WTM, and I do love the idea of a classical education. So, while I'm using many of the ideas/schedules in WTM, I am trying to adapt it to my son's learning styles and needs. He did well academically in PS, but he has never been an enthusiastic reader. So, I have tried to adapt the 7th grade reading list for him, but I am still worried that it is going to be way above his head (with the older texts). Here is what I have tentatively planned, and would love to hear from others about their 7th grade reading lists (and also if you think this is on target for a smart, but reluctant reader):


Don Quixote (the Michael Harrison version)

Selections from Gulliver's Travels (the ones WTM suggests)

Robinson Crusoe (the edition that WTM suggests)

Johnny Tremain

Toliver's Secret

My Brother Sam is Dead

The Sign of the Beaver

Hang a Thousand Trees with Ribbons: The Story of Phyllis Wheatley

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Selected poetry from William Blake, Walt Whitman, and Emily Dickinson


As you can see, we are coordinating this with his History which will be from Joy Hakim's A History of US (first 2 books...may do more depending on how the year progresses).


So, does this sound about right? I would love to hear what other 7th graders/8th graders will be reading this year!





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I don't have any great advice about a reading list, but I would suggest that you start slowly and that you not make your homeschool program overly challenging at first. Give him a chance to settle into the routine and relax a little bit. I'm only mentioning this because I think it's incredibly important to let your son develop a positive attitude toward homeschooling, and not to view it as drudgery... at least not right away... ;)


While a good, solid, quality reading list is an excellent idea, please be sure to let your ds help you select at least some of the books, as I've learned from experience that sometimes the "good" books that "everyone loves" are often the ones that my ds hates the most -- and that's ok. We all have different taste in books, and if one of your goals is for your ds to develop a lifelong love of reading, it's important that he be able to read at least some of the books that he has chosen for himself (whether or not it relates to history or any other topic you're studying.)


Best of luck with your new homeschooling venture -- try to relax and enjoy it, and remember that there's no rush to cover everything right away; you have plenty of time!




If he already loves to read, you can

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Here is my American literature list for dd 12. We are also doing Hakim this year, but we are going to try and get through all ten books. :willy_nilly: I also have a book of American poetry listed chronologically. We will pick and choose poems as we go.


DD has been homeschooled all along and I know her reading ability and speed. I think your list looks fine, but you can always change it throughout the year as you get a feel for your son's ability and interest.



Scarlet Letter

Johnny Tremain

Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Rip Van Winkle

Across Five Aprils

Tom Sawyer

Uncle Tom's Cabin (still debating)

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Yearling

Dandylion Wine (if we have time)

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Thanks so much for your replies! It helps so much to see what others are doing. And, Melissa, I am mightily impressed that you are planning to get through all 10 Hakim books...you make me feel better already! I was just hoping to get through the first 2. :)


I appreciate the advice about taking it easy at first...I think I'm going to go back and put an easier book at the top of the list...one that I know that he can easily read. I definitely want to set him up for success with reading.


Thanks again!

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