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How do you add a younger in on Latin?

K&Rs Mom

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K is halfway through LC1, and I want to start R on Prima this fall. I'd like to get R caught up and teach them together eventually. Has anyone done this? We're already on a slow pace in LC1, two weeks per chapter, and I feel like slowing more means we'll never get to the end of it. Since R has sat in with us most of the time, she knows half the vocab in Prima already, but I don't want to push any faster than 1 chapter/week. Thoughts? Thanks!

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Well, I decided not to combine. I'll have one in Prima and one in LC1 this year. We are not real Latin centered, so in the big scheme of things it's not something I want to spend a ton of time on. Each child will only do Latin twice a week so I'll work with them on different days. Only one day of instruction with me, then the 2nd day is independent work on the sheets. I know this doesn't answer your question, but maybe another thing to think about. Really, your only options for combining are to speed up the younger or slow down the older. If you really want to combine, I'd put your younger with your older. I believe all the vocab is reviewed again in LC1. You could always give your younger sheets from Prima to review anything he/she missed.

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Each child will only do Latin twice a week so I'll work with them on different days.


That sounds maybe doable - we have half our subjects combined, half separate already. Do you find they remember enough without doing it every day? It's possible I'm looking at this with some wrong starting assumptions, and making it harder than it needs to be.


Laura, how did you teach separately - what does it look like on a daily basis?



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Laura, how did you teach separately - what does it look like on a daily basis?




Each child is taught twice a week - on other days they work on vocab/memorisation largely on their own. So I might do one child on Mon/Wed and the other on Tues/Thurs, then Friday is for other subjects. But it's flexible, as both children have been organising their own timetables more recently.



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Another here who has them separated.


My oldest two will be doing CLI and my 3rd grader is starting PL. I have 30 minutes, 3x/week scheduled for Latin. I am going to try PL on one day, CLI on another, and the third day for review and catching up. When it's not their day for Latin they can use it to catch up on other work or read quietly.

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