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Would SWB's History of Medieval World work in R level TOG?

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I plan to start TOG Y2 this year for my 12 yo ds (D level) and 9 yo dd (UG level), and also posted this in the K-8. They have listened to all 4 volumes of the SOTW CDs, and loved them. Both are advanced readers, and love history. Would SWB's History of the Medieval World be a good book to use in the coming years, when we get to R level?


I'm thinking of buying it now, and trying it as a read aloud. I'm not sure how many history spines will be available at our library, and I don't want to buy a bunch of the TOG books until I know for sure that my kids like the program. I thought this book might be a good continuation of history for them, instead of using SOTW again. Any suggestions from experienced TOGers?

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I haven't read either of SWB's history books, so no personal experience. But when I was in a TOG co-op and we did Yr 1, one of the moms used SWB's ancients book as her personal spine for leading the R-level discussions. She enjoyed the writing style and thought it was a good resource.


Since your dc love history, I'd say go for it.




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OP here. I just saw a posting today (7/25) by NJKelli titled "Dd will use SWB's History of the Medieval World." She said that her daughter used HOAW last year, and that it was a success. I will post a reply to her asking that she post updates about how HMW works for their family. I should probably just pick a section to read aloud, and see if my kids find it interesting.



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I imagine you could make it work. The thing about R level TOG, is the students are answering pretty specific Accountability & Thinking questions, and SWB's book may or may not cover those topics. That's not to say SWB's book isn't a great resource, it just may cover things from a different angle. Your students could always use the internet to supplement and find the answers, but that's more time spent. Also, you won't have the specific page number references if you use different books.

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