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Do I need the workbooks for WWE?


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If you have The Complete Writer, it tells you how to plan for each week, pulling passages from books you're already reading together. I have been surprised how much we like pulling our copywork/dictation. You might try borrowing The Complete Writer from your library or a friend, and implementing it for a month or so on a trial basis to see if you like pulling your own passages, or whether you'd rather use the workbooks for ease of planning.

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Not Redundant. They make it open and go. The textbook is actually redundant if you have listened to SWB's writing lectures. It explains the whys behind her writing curriculum. The workbook has everything laid out so you don't have to find dictation or narration passages. We have loved the lit selections.

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I have a WWE workbook and I really like it. I don't feel I need the text at all. You *can* teach WWE without the workbook, but I wouldn't call them redundant. If you want to find your own copywork, then you can just use the text (from what I understand). I like the workbook because it's all right there....saves a ton of time. :001_smile:


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