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Foreign Language Podcasts?

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Does anybody subscribe to a podcast in French, German, or Spanish that you recommend? I have one dc taking French...another taking German...and I'd like Spanish for myself. I've tried two Spanish ones already, and both turned out to be Castillian Spanish which doesn't help me. So I thought I'd ask for recommendations before downloading more...



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Are you wanting lessons, or just conversation type stuff? If it's lessons, here is a French site I found:




She has lessons for both adults & kids. I don't subscribe, but if I decide to add podcasts to our curric., I probably will. I've listened to several of the free ones and I like them.


I'll be watching this thread to see if anyone else has something to add. :001_smile:

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I don't really have any suggestions, but I'd love to have your Castellano podcast. I'm assuming you mean Spanish from Spain, right? That's what we're studying...


Yes, it's Spanish Spanish. I live in Southern California which is why I'm more interested in Mexican Spanish.


One of them is from iTunes U; it's called Portales: Beginners' Spanish. It has a cartoonish look, but the subject matter is more geared toward adult interests (tourist attractions & such). It's completely in Spanish so you have to know a little bit to follow it.


The other one is a podcast called Coffee Break Spanish. It starts more from the beginning beginner level.

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