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Eeyore is loving Sonlight!

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We're doing Sonlight 6 this year (just the History, Poetry, Readers, Read-Alouds). Today is day 11.


Ds9 is my Eeyore kid who is famous in our house for saying "I really like [insert object/activity/ect.], except for [insert something negative about it]."


But he's told me that he "really likes history this year" 3 times, and he's not added a "but"!



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We love Sonlight!


My 8yo dd was toying with the idea of trying out ps in the fall.....the DAY after I put in our Sonlight order for the next core. I told her fine, but I was secretly :tongue_smilie:. It's always been our family's thought that if someone wanted to try ps, they could. Well, a few days later was "box day"! Dd changed her mind then and there. She didn't want to miss all of the great books :001_smile:.


I would have let dd spread her wings and go, but I'm glad Sonlight sent a box of books to change her mind. We'll start core 4 in a few weeks.

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