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Which would take longer/require more of my time, 1850 to Modern or ECC?


Some background...... We have never used MFW. I bought 1850 to Modern a couple of months ago intending to use it next year, but I sent it back because it looked like a ton of reading on my part. My dc have always done most of their history and science reading on their own. We have been using TruthQuest so I would read or summarize the commentary to them to introduce a topic, then they would read books on that topic on their own, sometimes taking weeks to get through a topic. Now I would read a few picture books on the topic to my 1st grader and the olders would usually listen in. But other than that I just read a historical fiction book aloud that takes place during the time period we are studying. And that I would read only about a chapter a day (3 or 4 days a week), so one book would take me several weeks to complete. Can you tell I hate reading aloud? LOL! Actually, I love reading picture books to my dc. It's chapter books I hate. Love reading them to myself, just not out loud. As much as I love TQ and, especially, being able to pick our own books, I need to have a plan to follow. Otherwise, we don't stay on track very well, and I need more pick up and go at this stage of the game. Also, I've been feeling a bit convicted that I need to bring my dc together more and be a bit more "hands on" with their learning.


Now, that said, I don't have 1850 to Modern anymore. :sad: BUT, I still have an ECC TG I bought used last year to look at. I spent about an hour going over SL Core 7 (I have the IG), MFW ECC and TQ with my oldest two dc (12 and 11) yesterday. I wanted their input. BOTH of them picked ECC. I was very surprised because I expected them to choose SL (at least my dd who loves literature and wants to be a children's author). They rated them 1 to 3 and both said ECC is their first choice and SL their last. Every time I ask for an opinion or choice to be made by these two dc, they ALWAYS choose something different. I took this as a sign from God that I need to go with MFW. LOL! BUT, now I'm wondering if we should finish our history cycle and do 1850 to Modern, then ECC next year or just take a break from history to do ECC this year. Both dc seemed excited by the prospect of doing a year of geography. However, they've never had US or World history past the civil war. Should we finish the cycle first or would it be not too weird to jump back to modern history next year? Also, I need to ease into a more mom-involved curriculum, so the one that expects less of me would be better to start with.



Edited by Chloe
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Well, I can't say anything about which would take more of your time since I have only used MFW K and MFW 1. But I can say that I would use the ECC if I had two Kids wanting to do it over the other choices. I don't think it would mess up your history cycle. Maybe they are needing a break from the cycle and would be excited about going back to it next year after a year of Geography. I say go where the interest is. Maybe someone can answer your time and involvement questions.

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ECC definitely has less reading aloud than 1850-Modern. I don't think it'd be bad at all to go ahead with ECC, then go back to 1850-Modern. Plus, you're going with the kids enthusiasm, which will make it easier for you to be excited about it too. :-)


I don't know that ECC would take less "mom time" than 1850-Mod....it might. In general, it is, IMO, less intense a program, and that's why I was thinking it would take less of your time. 1850-Modern has more reading from various history books, more read alouds, the activities from the SOTW activity book, etc.

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Our first year of MFW was ECC, then the next year was 1850-Modern (we started mid-stream and that was our logical starting place for history...weird, I know). I felt 1850-Modern definitely took more time. We thoroughly enjoyed that year of history...thoroughly!!! But ECC, imo, is a great starting place for MFW. My dc knew more of the geography for the wars and countries covered in 1850-Mod. because of their year of ECC. Ecc was just so much fun!!! The way they covered the geography was so great because of that geography game. They liked playing it so we played a lot. At the end of the year, my oldest knew the location of over 90 countries on an end-of-year test. It had an impact on them spiritually as well...they really had a heart for so many of those people due to praying through Window on the World and all we learned from the missionary bios. Good memories!! :)

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ECC would take less time and there is no reason you have to do all of the reading aloud.


Ds was in 5th when we did ECC. It was a pregnancy/baby year for me and I was burnt out on top of that.


It was a great year but ds did 80% of the reading on his own.


I photocopied the lesson plan grid and put it into his weekly binder so he didn't need me to get started. He did just fine.


That's good to hear. My 6th and 7th grader will be the ones using it. My 2nd grader needs more work on phonics and math, so I'm not requiring a lot from him as far as ECC goes. He has time to do it again another year. Plus, my almost 4yo has been wanting to learn to read, so I want to start on that with her. Most of my time needs to be spent with my younger two, but I do want to do a bit more this year with the olders as well. I just don't want the geography and science to completely depend on me for it to get done.

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