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Tired eyes

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Do your dc complain of their eyes getting tired after reading? If so, what would be a normal time frame before ones eyes may become tired?


My 9 yr old complains that his eyes are tired from reading after 20 minutes. Isn't that too short a time frame to have tired eyes....for normal vision?


He needs to work on his fluency as he is a slow reader. Perhaps due to his lack of fluency it's really brain tiredness?


I'm thinking of having his vision tested. He's had the standard eye test, and that was fine. What kind of test/Dr. should I take him to?

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I don't know really know about how long an avg 9 yr old should be able to read since my dd is still struggling in that area, but you might want to post the same question over on the special needs board. There are MANY knowledgable people there who may not frequent this board.


I will say that a developmental optometrist would test for lots of different issues besides just visual acuity. I believe my dd would benefit from vision therapy, but it's not covered by our insurance and we don't have the available funds to cover it right now. Hope you find the answers you need!

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An optometrist can give eye exams and write prescriptions for glasses. An ophthalmologist is an MD that can do the same as well more intensive testing and medical procedures. Here is an excellent description comparing the two: http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=22559


I just had my eyes examined a couple of weeks ago and asked my doctor if children need eye exams if they are obviously not having problems. I was surprised when he said that they should get them every couple of years starting at age 5/6. Apparently, some children have alignment problems that aren't readily detected. If caught early, it is easier to correct.

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An optometrist can give eye exams and write prescriptions for glasses. An ophthalmologist is an MD that can do the same as well more intensive testing and medical procedures. Here is an excellent description comparing the two: http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=22559


I just had my eyes examined a couple of weeks ago and asked my doctor if children need eye exams if they are obviously not having problems. I was surprised when he said that they should get them every couple of years starting at age 5/6. Apparently, some children have alignment problems that aren't readily detected. If caught early, it is easier to correct.


He's had an exam with an ophthalmologist. That was a year ago. Maybe I'll call and make him an appt. before the school check up rush.

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