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Which Math after AoPS Intro to Algebra?

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My daughter is taking AoPS Intro to Algebra this summer. It's a 15 week course. It covers at least what is covered in a typical high school level Algebra 1 course. She is doing fine with the AoPS material so far. Assuming she continues to do well and finishes, should I call it good for Algebra 1? I am worried about covering Algebra 1 in a mere 15 weeks. OTOH, she is spending lots of time on this class. More than she has ever spent on math during our official school year. If I go by hours spent on it, it would equal enough to be 1 credit hour.


I'm happy she's enjoying AoPS, but figuring out what to do this fall is giving me fits.:tongue_smilie: I could:


1. Have her do more Algebra 1, which seems like it could be redundant if she finishes this without a problem. She was able to pass the TT Algebra 2 placement test after only completing 2.5 chapters of AoPS Algebra.


2. Put her into Geometry. If I sign her up for Geometry with AoPS, I know it will be time-intensive. It is a 24-week class, going from September to March. Or maybe some other Geometry like TT? I need a program that will offer a lot of guidance for us or an online class. I cannot do it on my own. RCA has a very nice looking Geometry course, and I'm considering that but it looks like it might conflict with her dance schedule, which obviously must take priority over math, don't you know? :001_rolleyes:


So, I guess I am asking whether you would move on to Geometry or just keep doing more Algebra 1? Do you think covering Algebra 1 fast like this but covering it very intensely is okay?


Any suggestions? TIA. :)

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Doesn't AOPS cover half of their algebra book in Alg 1 & then the other half in Alg 2? Here is a link to the Alg 2 page http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/School/courseinfo.php?course_id=algebra2 Obviously, you could choose either the course or just use the text solo and go at your own pace.


So, I would have her go on to the second half of their Alg book, which would be Alg 2 on her transcript.


If she can handle (and likes) their books for Alg, I would keep her in AoPS for the rest, as it is a step above/beyond anything else I've seen. I am pretty sure their website lays out their sequence somewhere.

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Although my boys did not do the AOPS online class for algebra, they did use the AOPS algebra book that is used for the class. My understanding is that AOPS used to do a year-long class and go through the whole book (someone correct me if I am wrong) and now they have broken it up into Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 classes. I notice that they do use the book Introduction to Algebra for both classes. My boys did the whole book at home and then went on to the AOPS geometry book. We are now going back to algebra and using Foerster. There are certainly things in Foerster that they will have already covered but new things as well. You may want to do the pretest for geometry on the site. Here is the geometry page




You could also look on the forums at AOPS and see what others recommend.


Good luck.



Edited by michmom
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Doesn't AOPS cover half of their algebra book in Alg 1 & then the other half in Alg 2? Here is a link to the Alg 2 page http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/School/courseinfo.php?course_id=algebra2 Obviously, you could choose either the course or just use the text solo and go at your own pace.


So, I would have her go on to the second half of their Alg book, which would be Alg 2 on her transcript.


If she can handle (and likes) their books for Alg, I would keep her in AoPS for the rest, as it is a step above/beyond anything else I've seen. I am pretty sure their website lays out their sequence somewhere.


Thanks, Stephanie! Intro to Algebra does only cover the first 13 chapters for Algebra 1. I didn't realize that Algebra 2 was considered one of their introductory courses but looking at it, I see it would be. I really like your suggestion, the only thing is that I would want to do it with an online course with them and I think they are offering Geometry during the day for homeschoolers in the fall and Algebra 2 in the spring. Do you think doing it that way would be okay then?

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Here's the course recommendations at AoPS:


Grades 7-10, mastery of basic algebra

Students who have completed Algebra 1 in school or our Algebra 1 class are ready for our Introduction to Counting & Probability, Introduction to Number Theory, Algebra 2 and Introduction to Geometry classes. We recommend starting with the Counting & Probability and Number Theory classes. Of these four, Introduction to Geometry is the most advanced.





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Thanks, ladies. I think it would probably be better for her to do Algebra 2 first if it works with out schedule with the online class, but it probably won't. I know that they are offering Geometry at homeschool friendly times in the fall and then they will offer Algebra 2 in the spring hopefully. I think I will just email them and ask their thought on it, too, and see if they know when they will offer Geometry in the spring.


I'm :bigear: for any other opinions on this. Thanks.

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There are certainly things in Foerster that they will have already covered but new things as well. You may want to do the pretest for geometry on the site. Here is the geometry page





That surprises me that there is stuff in Foerster's that would not be covered in the Intro to Algebra book because I've been hearing that AoPS Intro to Algebra text would cover more than the traditional Algebra texts and that they'll get everything they need (and then some). Do you mind sharing what specifically is covered in Foerster's that isn't covered in AoPS? Thanks so much for your input. ETA: Also, are you referring to Algebra 1 or 2 with Foerster's?

Edited by Violet
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That surprises me that there is stuff in Foerster's that would not be covered in the Intro to Algebra book because I've been hearing that AoPS Intro to Algebra text would cover more than the traditional Algebra texts and that they'll get everything they need (and then some). Do you mind sharing what specifically is covered in Foerster's that isn't covered in AoPS? Thanks so much for your input. ETA: Also, are you referring to Algebra 1 or 2 with Foerster's?


I was referring to Algebra II, specifically Algebra and Trigonometry: Functions and Applications, by Paul A. Foerster. AOPS Intro to Algebra did cover more than the typical Algebra I course and certainly makes a student think more deeply about problems as well. There are parts of Foerster's book for Algebra II that we have already covered but still things that need to be covered for me to be convinced that we have really completed what is typical for Algebra II. I also took a look at our state standards and it is clear that there are still things according to those standards that need to be covered for Algebra II which is one reason why we are doing more algebra this coming year. I wish I could give you all of the specifics but we have not gotten into the Foerster book yet as we are finishing up AOPS geometry at the moment and I have on my list of things to do before the school year starts, to figure out exactly what we need to do in Foerster.



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I was referring to Algebra II, specifically Algebra and Trigonometry: Functions and Applications, by Paul A. Foerster. AOPS Intro to Algebra did cover more than the typical Algebra I course and certainly makes a student think more deeply about problems as well. There are parts of Foerster's book for Algebra II that we have already covered but still things that need to be covered for me to be convinced that we have really completed what is typical for Algebra II. I also took a look at our state standards and it is clear that there are still things according to those standards that need to be covered for Algebra II which is one reason why we are doing more algebra this coming year. I wish I could give you all of the specifics but we have not gotten into the Foerster book yet as we are finishing up AOPS geometry at the moment and I have on my list of things to do before the school year starts, to figure out exactly what we need to do in Foerster.




Oops, sorry, I should have realized you were talking about Algebra 2. I noticed that the Algebra 2 course they offer this fall will be at a time that should work for us. It's an evening class and most evenings are tied up with dance but we might be able to do this one. I am thinking that would be a better way to go and then she could move onto Geometry after that. I'd feel secure that she would cover at least what's in Algebra 1. Of course, I'll have to wait and see how she continues to do with the rest of the course this summer. I've been concerned about retention because they do whiz through the material, but I was told that if retention is a problem it would become apparent even by the end of this Algebra 1 course. I was also told that the Geometry is the most challenging of the Intro courses and that it would likely take a lot of time. With her other classes, I am just not sure that's the best way to go at all. Thank you for your thoughts.

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