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Should I alter WTM schedule for Co-op?

Guest mom24knights

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Guest mom24knights

I will be homeschooling again this fall after a 5 yr absence. I have a 7th grade DS, 4th grade DS and 2nd grade DS. I've already started the Ancients with them but just found out that there's a co-op starting in my support group this fall that will be studying the medieval period. I'm considering moving VERY quickly through the Ancients (just presenting an overview, really) so we can join the co-op in the fall. Would the benefits of group study, interaction, crafts, etc. outweigh not studying the Ancients in greater detail?:glare:

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It was worth it for us. The co-op we joined wanted to start with Yr4 so that the oldest students would be in Yr1 the next year, which was their 9th grade year. Being in an classical co-op was good for me and my ds's. It was a challenge at times, but for us it was worth it.




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