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Is there a Canadian option?

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I love SOTW, WP, MFW, SL, ... but whatever shall I do about Canadian content for 1700-1850+ ?!

I have not found anything that looks as interesting as Homeschool in the Woods, History Pockets, and others that have such fun projects about American history.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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I'm using SOTW, and am going to throw in something for Canadian History off donnaward.net most likely. We're using the "Canada, My Country" for geography off of her site, but I haven't looked at the history options on there yet. It's the only publisher I know of though for Canadian history/geography so maybe you could try browsing around there?

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Modern History thorugh Canadian Eyes by Heather Penner http://www.solidoakpublishing.com/index.htm is a great resource for Canadian history. She has many ideas for books to use as "spines" as well as the Canada: A People's History dvds. Also, the Disocovering Canada series of books by Robert Livesey will give you a few ideas for activities and pictures for lapbooks. Another idea is the Dear Canada books http://www.scholastic.ca/dearcanada/index2.htm with their accompanying teacher's guides.

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I love SOTW, WP, MFW, SL, ... but whatever shall I do about Canadian content for 1700-1850+ ?!

I have not found anything that looks as interesting as Homeschool in the Woods, History Pockets, and others that have such fun projects about American history.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Canadian content has been troubling me for a while now. At least for the early years I am also thinking of using Donna Wards programs, like a pp suggested. Three of her programs I am considering are a) Geography, b) Natives and c) Courage and Conquest. cschnee has also offered some great resources that many others are using and like. I will be looking at those also and will be deciding what to do either for my son's 2nd or more than likely 3rd grade. With everything else we are and will be doing and for now, I really want to keep at least the Canadian component light and easy for teacher mommy (at least while I am still figuring out this homeschool thing ;)), after that we shall see.

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A Pioneer Story by Barbara Greenwood

Subtitled The Daily Life of a Canadian Family in 1840

Jane, we read this one and enjoyed it. There are lots of hands-on-activities throughout the book.


There are also other titles by this author available at the library.

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Thank you.


Somedays I just wish I could order a box of "Candian History 1" full of read alouds, easy readers, novels, lapbook ideas, crafts, recipes, timelines and maps. Maybe...




I'm right there with ya :D.

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