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Questions about 5th grade reading list in WTM

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On page 348 (3rd edition), there is a list of people/topics. The text says to go to the library and find middle grade books on these people/topics.


Then on pp 368-371, there is a list of books, listed in chronological order, of specific books for the child to read.


How do these two lists mesh together? I'm not sure I'm thinking through this correctly.

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I believe the first list is more of a non-fiction list. The second is fiction.


I use the fiction list for reading and the non-fiction list for history


Hmm... I don't think that's true with these two lists. For example, it has African folktales on the first list, and Tales from Africa by Kathleen Arnott on the second. The first list is generic and the second list is specific.

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The list on 348 is a list of topics and people, it's a general sort of list of things to study. The list on 368, I think that's your basic reading list. So, the first list just says "myths of ancient Egypt," but the reading list gives the specific suggestion of reading "Tales of Ancient Egypt" by Roger Green.

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