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classical conversations and the rightstart number issue


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If you use Classical Conversations and Rightstart Math, how do you address the number songs and memorization. We are trying to teach our daughter to count ten-one, ten-two, etc., according to the Righstart math model, but I am wondering how to make it mesh with CC.




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Well, that particular issue won't mesh; however, I would go ahead and encourage her to learn CC's skip counting songs. Eventually, you'll get away from the ten-one, ten-two method anyway and then she'll have those pegs firmly planted in her brain.


I agree. I bet she won't bat an eye at it if you give her a quick explanation. Kids can catch on and comprehend more than we usually think. :001_smile:

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Well, that particular issue won't mesh; however, I would go ahead and encourage her to learn CC's skip counting songs. Eventually, you'll get away from the ten-one, ten-two method anyway and then she'll have those pegs firmly planted in her brain.


:iagree: You eventually get to lessons in RS-A and RS-B that help you transition to the way we normally say our numbers. We call the RS way of saying numbers the "math" way.

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