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SOTW question....


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Is it possible to skip SOTW1 and go right into SOTW2?


We are reading SOTW1 right now and making up our own activities to go along with it. I'm hoping to be finished with SOTW 1 by the end of the summer. My dc already voiced that they are tired of studying about ancient Egypt etc. I'd like to start on a good foot in Sept. and I'd also like to get on track with the SOTW rotation.

We are going into our 2nd/3rd grade year-I'd like to use SOTW 2 slow and steady -incorporating the activity guide as well. The following year I want to do American history(different source), but with the intention of starting the SOTW series again in 5th grade.


Phew:tongue_smilie: My head is spinning. Does this plan seem logical? Any suggestions?:001_huh:

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What chapter of SOTW 1 are you on right now? If you're working on ancient Egypt, maybe you're around ch. 4? If your goal is to start SOTW 2 by September, you'll need to read a chapter a day, 3-4 days per week to be done in time. If I were going to do that, I would just read and maybe pick one activity for the Greeks and one for the Romans, then leave it at that until 5th grade.

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