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What is an appropriate amount of memory work?


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I am trying to prepare memory work for my upcoming 4th (has LD including memory issues) 2nd and Kers. We have done some memory work in the past but usually just a Bible verse here and there and an occasional poem. I really want to get in the habit of memorizing regularly, but I am not sure what to expect as far as an appropriate amount of things to memorize at one time.


I was thinking of a Bible verse, a question/answer from the shorter catechism, and then rotate through grammar terms, geography & history terms, science terms and some poems. Does this sound like too much at once? I pieced together a rough schedule today and looking at it written out makes it appear overwhelming.


I’d love to see what others will be doing.




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For us, we did a Bible verse a month for my 2nd grader this year. And a poem even less often. We worked on a history list (the Kings of England through Eliz. I) from Aug. to May. WTM suggests also working on an additional history list like the list of major wars. I didn't try to have 2 consecutive history ones going. It took all year to get the first one, granted we worked on it twice a week as opposed to every day. Maybe that would make the difference.


Then we had some science things going occasionally, like colors of the rainbow and the order of the planets. And the math facts. We did those 3-4 days a week: the addition/subtraction families (triplets in R&S math,) the multiplication and division tables, measurements, etc.


I think we may do less than is suggested in WTM, but I am happy w/results. My dd did everything on the lists I made at the beginning of the year. Maybe I need to add more to my lists this year, to get more poetry in!


My ker did days of the week, months of the year, continents, lord's prayer, pledge of allegiance, girl scout promise and is working on the G.S. law, Bible verses w/her R&S reading, and a couple of poems. She obviously had a lot of the basics to learn. We will add more poetry, verses, and start history w/her for 1st.

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With my K'er this year, we did things that she could memorize in about 2 weeks by reading them once per day. This was a poem or scripture of 4-8 lines. One time, we did tackle "Washington", which took us six weeks, and we had to do more than just read it every day, because it had a lot of new vocabulary and an unusual rhyming pattern. I think doing that a couple of times a year is a very good experience, but I would not do it all the time with a K'er. But with older children, I think it is reasonable to expect this more often.


I also decided that we would memorize scripture as a family. This was also a very good experience for dd5, because she was able to memorize faster than mom and dad. And it was a good experience for me, because I have never memorized anything and had little confidence. But even though I was the last one to "get it," I did it.

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