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Timelines - Have any of you just bought an already made one?

Robin Hood

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Why re-invent the wheel? I found some great timeline wall charts when I googled "timelines" that are right along what I am trying to create but are too complicated for me to think it through, but they are easy to read. I have such a hard time with simple. Would these be too complicated for ages 9 through junior high? Do any of you go this route? Is making your own a process that kids SHOULD go through?


For church history http://www.visquar.com/


Just about eveything: Comes in hard copy or online versions.


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The idea is for the child to create their own as a means to solidify the facts of history in their minds. personally, it seems harder for us Moms.

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a poster from Calvert that is a simple timeline to go with CHOW. I did this after too much time spent zeroxing tiny images for the kids to reluctantly paste onto timelines I'd tacked to the walls. The Calvert timeline is still on the wall of our dining room (school room). The other timelines have disappeared into the morass of the basement.

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Would you mind sharing examples of what is included on the Calvert timeline? I have tried to find better images than the one at their website, to no avail. What I am interested in finding is one that has the basic time periods, and only the major events. Basically one that is less visually distracting than ones that include every last detail known to mankind. :D Thanks!

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I'm using a ready-made timeline. But, we are still making our own, also. We use the one that is already made to help us determine where to place our own info./figures in our Book of Time. Our ready made timeline is a 25 foot long accordian style one. But, we use a spiral bound book for our own.

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