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What to use while treading water with RS?


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I'm not sure if that title describes what I'm looking at. When our baby comes in the fall, I'm thinking of putting my oldest into a workbookish type program for math review until I'm ready for a fuller schedule again.


We love RightStart, and I'm wondering what would be complimentary to use while we are treading water for a couple months? She should be halfwayish through RS C by then.


Would you pick MM or Singapore? Which one and where? Why would you pick that over the other? Is there a better option?

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If you are looking at it just for review and not to teach new concepts, I'd recommend Singapore's Intensive Practice. I'd choose a level below where she is in RS. For example, Level B in RS, use Level 1 to 2 for IP; Level C in RS, use Level 2 to 3 for IP. We use this all of the time but find it really stretches them and reviews the concepts.


Good luck. I'm in the same life situation as you - one due in January, and probably will be on bed rest for several of the months. I haven't quite figured out what we'll do yet. :)

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