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Alternatives to Hillbilly housewife meal plans?

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I'm looking for down and dirty nitty gritty bare min. meal plans.


Was hoping they'd at least be appealing to eat :) Tall order I know.


Okay - not the eating of actual meal plans, the eating of the meals themselves (gotta watch you WTM hivers!).



Any websites, hints would be much appreciated.

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I love hillbillyhousewife and I adore going through the stacks at the cookbook section of the library. At the moment, I have been finding a series called $3meals. I'm currently making meals out of the $3meals kids will love and $3lowcalorie meals. There are a few more in the series.


Another book I like is Miserly Meals. Check out your library, there are so many cookbooks that could help with making cheap meals, extending meats and such. Hope that helps.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

Here are some ideas from Miserly Moms : http://www.miserlymoms.com/frugalrecipes_updated.html



One thing I like to do is roast a whole chicken, that I got on sale only. We have it for dinner that night, I make a casserole of some sort with the leftover meat, and then I boil the bones to make broth for soup. This stretches 1 Chicken into 3 meals.


I also use www.couponmom.com for my grocery shopping. I only buy items that are over 60% discounts.


If you have a Kroger near you they often have Manager Specials throughout the Store. My store is best on Thursday. We buy bagged Salad, fruits, meat, deli, bread, yogurt, and milk to look for the Orange sticker. Sometimes they mark the bread loaves, hamburger buns, and hotdog buns all the way down to $0.25. I stock up when this happens and freeze it all.

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One thing I like to do is roast a whole chicken, that I got on sale only. We have it for dinner that night, I make a casserole of some sort with the leftover meat, and then I boil the bones to make broth for soup. This stretches 1 Chicken into 3 meals.




This is exactly what I do!

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