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Two months!!


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We move dd into her dorm two months from tomorrow.


I suddenly feel like I have a *to do*....or rather *to buy* list a MILE LONG!!


We are fortunate to already know her roommate and both girls are pretty frugal minded about having a cute room on a budget. THAT is a relief!


First up, need to find a good laptop option...she wants an Apple, but we are more on a Dell budget! LOL!


Anyone else suddenly get a good look at the calendar?

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Well, DD17 left home yesterday and will be gone for seven weeks! She comes home again in late July, only to report to school in the middle of August. It was quite a shock to see her leave!


MomsintheGarden has not yet shared DD17's "to buy" list with me, but I'm guessing it's extensive. My idea is to have DD17 simply take all the stuff we bought for DS20 that he didn't use! :D But not everything will fit her, and the beds are different sizes at the two schools...

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Oh wow! That makes me grateful that my dd's summer endeavors are LOCAL. They are keeping her busy, but at least we get to say "goodnight" and "good morning"!


I hope that there is *much* in your *stash* that is useful! It all adds up so FAST!


Right now, I'm getting concerned about those *obscure* things that we might forget...like a spare pair of contacts! LOL!

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Hi Polly!

I am right there with you! Ds graduates high school on the 19th of June (ACK! much to do to get ready for the ceremony and the party - thankfully the work is done!) and we have to get him to the campus on August 19th. Right after graduation he will be going on the youth group camping trip. When he and his brother get back, we have VBS and then we leave for our European vacation. Then the guys will go to Mexico (maybe) for a week-long missions trip, and then we begin our cross-country drive to Texas! Those two short months are going to fly by! I don't even want to think about the drive home. I will just concentrate on how much fun he will have and how ready he is for college.



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Yup, me too! My ds graduated on May 14, and is living in Florida with MIL for the summer. He moves into a furnished apartment on August 16 with a friend that has no family support. We have TWO of them to buy for! My list is a mile long & growing daily! We have enlisted relatives & close friends for donations of things they may be getting rid of. Hope we can swing it! :D

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