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(WWE Level One: Week 5, Day four narration and copywork)

What is one thing you remember about the passage?


On the third night he [the frog] turned into a prince.


Background info: I withdrew DD (now 7.5yo) this past September from PS. She was reading three letter words going into K, but never progressed while in PS. I withdrew her approx. 5-6 weeks into her 1st grade year, and since then, I have focused mostly on teaching her to read, reading aloud to her, Math, handwriting, lots of crafts, and letting her sit in on older sisters' history and science. Now that she is reading on level, I felt comfortable starting WWE and FLL (we have a light schedule this summer). Is this acceptable for a 1st grader/rising 2nd grader? I added the brackets to indicate to whom she was referring.



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DD8 is ending 2nd grade now, and we've been doing narration all year. When we first started I was met with dumb stares at questions like "what's one thing you remember?". This progressed into tears until I finally started asking specific questions ("what did the prince turn into?"). Over the year she's gotten much better, but I'd say being able to remember a specific detail like that is pretty good. Just keep asking questions to get more complex answers, they'll come.

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In April we finished WWE I and SOTW I. It seems that SOTW I required more of a request for the students to summarize than WWE I did. My dc had no idea how to summarize a passage so we had quite a bit of trouble with the narration part of SOTW I. But WWE I was much easier for them because they were only asked to tell one thing that they remembered about the story.


In the beginning, they started out with shorter sentences but, by the end of the year their responses were more lengthy because they had gotten used to the way the program works. After a while, they caught on that however they responded to that question had to be written down. So, some days they would try to find the shortest thing they could remember with the fewest number of words in order to circumvent actually having to write out anything. :glare: At that point, I would ask them to try again with something more substantial to their answers. When they realized that I was on to their game and they couldn't get away with it, they stopped trying to get out of doing their work.


In WWE II, which we started two weeks ago, students begin to learn to summarize by having you ask them certain questions. Through the questioning process, they learn how to pick out the main points of the story. My dc are starting to get the hang of it and I think that it will help them not only with WWE II but, also with the narration portion of SOTW II, which we'll be beginning in the fall.


IMO, your dd is doing fine for where you are. She will improve with time as she gets used to listening to the passages and learns what kind of answers you are looking for when you ask questions of her about the passages that are being read.

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Thank you all for reassuring me. The responsibility to educate my children is great, and I'm pretty sure I'd be a lot more stressed if it weren't for the wonderful support offered through this forum. I am using SOTW and do prompt DD for narration. So, hopefully, she'll progress like your children did, everlastingstarflower (and I thought my screen name was long, lol).



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