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Classical Conversations Question regarding parents in classroom

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They require that for any children under the age 12, which frankly isn't a bad rule at all. I've taught at other co-ops, and having the parents there does help with keeping order and also reduces the liability issues for the Director, tutors, and facility.


If you don't bring your other child, you will have to find childcare for them. I do know of one family that dropped one off at the grandmother's house each week and brought the others.

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Any child who is on campus and old enough for CC must be enrolled. If you have a child who doesn't want to participate, you'll have to find alternate, off-site childcare.


As far as another parent being in charge of your child: our group has no problems with that on occasion i.e. one of your other children is sick, family emergency, etc. It is definitely not a permanent arrangement.

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