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Tenth grade schedule? Is it good?

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Here is the tenth grade schedule for next year (and in the summer):



Lials introductory algebra/Holt geometry (Jann in TX)


Chemistry: No clue


Eniglish BJU


History SOS


Spanish1 and 2


Bible SOS


Health SOS


College Planner SOS






P.E. Training my dog to become certified therapy dog, and volleyball


Is this good enough, what should I use for chemistry? Apologia doesn't seem good enough, I need a good but not too hard chem book?:confused::D

Edited by LuvingLife
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The only thing I can say for chemistry is that you may want to find a conceptual text. Apologia chemistry requires that the student has completed Algebra I and I think you'll find that with most chemistry courses. Actually the chemistry math was covered mostly in our Algebra II text. What about doing an advanced biology course instead and doing chemistry in 11th?


The dog training sounds awesome!!! :)


Hopefully you'll get feedback from others on chemistry and other subjects. :)

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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The only thing I can say for chemistry is that you may want to find a conceptual text. Apologia chemistry requires that the student has completed Algebra I and I think you'll find that with most chemistry courses. Actually the chemistry math was covered mostly in our Algebra II text. What about doing an advanced biology course instead and doing chemistry in 11th?


The dog training sounds awesome!!! :)


Hopefully you'll get feedback from others on chemistry and other subjects. :)



Thanks, I think waiting for chemistry would be a good idea. I will do it in the 11th grade, and maybe do physics in the 10th instead, or advanced biology instead.


The dog training is coming along great!!! He is doing very good so far, and all he needs to learn is to calm down some more, have one more year of training, and he will be certified! :party:

Thanks for the info!


I heard Apologia's chemistry book wasn't hard enough, and I am looking for a good book that has great explanations, or any other suggestions for science will be good too!

Edited by LuvingLife
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Thanks, I think waiting for chemistry would be a good idea. I will do it in the 11th grade, and maybe do physics in the 10th instead, or advanced biology instead.


The dog training is coming along great!!! He is doing very good so far, and all he needs to learn is to calm down some more, have one more year of training, and he will be certified! :party:

Thanks for the info!


I heard Apologia's chemistry book wasn't hard enough, and I am looking for a good book that has great explanations, or any other suggestions for science will be good too!



I think physics needs algebra 2 completed. Just heads up. Maybe a conceptual chemistry or physics course that is light on math would work. Sorry I don't know which ones are good for this.

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I think physics needs algebra 2 completed. Just heads up. Maybe a conceptual chemistry or physics course that is light on math would work. Sorry I don't know which ones are good for this.




Unless, of course, you choose Conceptual Physics for high school by Paul Hewitt; that's designed for gr 9/10 and doesn't require that level of math.

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I know with Apologia you need to complete Chemistry before Adv Bio. My dd wanted to do it and we received this advice from two different teachers so we are doing Chemistry for tenth. But she has completed Alg 1.


I would ask though about the Chemistry. The Bio suggested she be enrolled in Alg 1 simultaneously with biology yet we found absolutely no Algetbra in Biology whatsoever.


The Physical Science from Apologia has a few Physics modules and Earth sceince in it and you could do that.



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I know with Apologia you need to complete Chemistry before Adv Bio. My dd wanted to do it and we received this advice from two different teachers so we are doing Chemistry for tenth. But she has completed Alg 1.


I would ask though about the Chemistry. The Bio suggested she be enrolled in Alg 1 simultaneously with biology yet we found absolutely no Algetbra in Biology whatsoever.


The Physical Science from Apologia has a few Physics modules and Earth sceince in it and you could do that.




The Apologia Biology only says to take Algebra 1 at the same time so that it will be finished before the student starts Chemistry the following year.

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We're doing The Spectrum Chemistry for 10th grade. The same company sells a fairly inexpensive program called Bridge Math that contains the algebra that you'll need for 1st year chemistry. We're using it as review for over the summer.

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We're doing The Spectrum Chemistry for 10th grade. The same company sells a fairly inexpensive program called Bridge Math that contains the algebra that you'll need for 1st year chemistry. We're using it as review for over the summer.


Sounds good, and will look into it so that I will be fully ready for chemistry or whatever else I am taking next year!:001_smile:

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Just curious - why do you consider Apologia Chemistry "not good enough"? I was planning on using it for 10th grade son (who is finishing Apolgia Bio. My 7th grader is doing their Gen. Science course. So far, I find this curriculum to be very rigorous - is their chem. different?

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I have to say I just read a link from red Wagon Tutorials to Jay Wile comments and it quoted a college girl who had taken the courses. She has been the only one to receive A's in some courses and her instructors can never beleive she always know the answer ahead of time. It really reinforced how much I feel good about Apologia. She gave credit to how deeply her underastanding of it all was and how she was previously not a science kid who now majors in it. The same thing happened to my dd this past year in Biology.



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Just curious - why do you consider Apologia Chemistry "not good enough"? I was planning on using it for 10th grade son (who is finishing Apolgia Bio. My 7th grader is doing their Gen. Science course. So far, I find this curriculum to be very rigorous - is their chem. different?



You may want to do a high school forum search on this. There are always some dc who will go on to do well regardless of curricula, too. We're going to do their high school Biology. I don't think it's very rigourous, but its my dd's least favourite science that she has to do, so I let her go with that when she chose it.


We haven't been starting with the most rigourous science for gr 9 & 10 because I'm more concerned about getting the conceptual parts down pat first. However, my dd plans to major in science, so she'll be taking AP or AP level Chem & Physics (that's the plan at the moment) in her last 2 years of high school. OTOH, she has been doing rigourous Algebra which will help her with her science goals.


Another reason for going this way is that my middle dd doesn't like science and will probably do the least number of science courses she can get away with. She's more into art, history & creative writing, and so the Conceptual courses we have plus the Apologia Biology will suit her much better.

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Just curious - why do you consider Apologia Chemistry "not good enough"? I was planning on using it for 10th grade son (who is finishing Apolgia Bio. My 7th grader is doing their Gen. Science course. So far, I find this curriculum to be very rigorous - is their chem. different?


You may want to do a high school forum search on this. There are always some dc who will go on to do well regardless of curricula, too. We're going to do their high school Biology. I don't think it's very rigourous, but its my dd's least favourite science that she has to do, so I let her go with that when she chose it.


We haven't been starting with the most rigourous science for gr 9 & 10 because I'm more concerned about getting the conceptual parts down pat first. However, my dd plans to major in science, so she'll be taking AP or AP level Chem & Physics (that's the plan at the moment) in her last 2 years of high school. OTOH, she has been doing rigourous Algebra which will help her with her science goals.


Another reason for going this way is that my middle dd doesn't like science and will probably do the least number of science courses she can get away with. She's more into art, history & creative writing, and so the Conceptual courses we have plus the Apologia Biology will suit her much better.


:iagree: with Karin, their biology is very rigourous, but not chemistry. I have read reviews about their chemistry and how it doesn't compare with Apologia Biology. This doesn't mean you can't use it, but if your child wants to major in science, like I do, then they will need to take courses at your CC, or just get harder material.


I am going to be taking science courses at my CC next year, but want a course that is there for extra review!:lol:

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