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Aplologia Science, how do you grade?

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal

No. I grade the Study Guide Review questions and the Module Summaries. I don't recall off the top of my head what percent but it's not very big.

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I don't grade the OYO or study questions, I correct them and make dd correct any that are wrong. I give a class or homework grade as a whole. An A is that you did all of the homework on time, did all you can do, asked questions, willingly corrected mistakes, neat notebook, etc. So, for us, the homework/class grade is 1/3 of the grade, labs are 1/3 of the grade, test scores 1/3.

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that the On Your Own questions are part of learning, so he doesn't recommend grading those. He says, "The student's overall grade in the course should be weighted as follows: 35% lab grade and 65% test grade. If you use the cumulative tests, make them worth twice as much as each module test. If you really feel that you must include the review questions and practice problems in the student's grade, make the labs worth 35%, the tests worth 55%, and the review questions and practice problems worth 10%. A straight 90/80/70/60 scale should be used to calcuate the student's letter grade."

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We grade very close to the recommendations of apologia. However, we require more labs and sometimes different labs than those in the text and so we had to adjust accordingly. Plus, we require "note taking/outlinging" from the text and the occasional science lecture that dh and I give. So, the notebook is also figured into the grade. I think we went with 50% for exams, 30% for labs, and 20% combined for the notebook and module summaries.


Dh and I had many college classes in which we were graded on our notebooks including the quality of notes from lectures, so we added that to both science and history and have adjusted accordingly.



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Dd checks OYO; I check module summary which she is required to correct before she takes the test. Neither one is counted as a grade for us.


As far as the final course grade, I count 60% for tests and 40% for labs.


When I took over teaching the biology class for co-op second semester, I did use some extra review worksheets and a few worksheets I found on the Internet that I felt were applicable to what we were studying. These extra worksheets were counted as labs. I also wrote some additional sections for the tests since I felt the Apologia tests were a little "light" on content.

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I have taught Apologia Physics at our co-op. I did 55% tests, 35% homework (lab write ups and Next Time Questions from Hewitt's Conceptual Physics), and 10% Class Participation. For an individual at home, I would probably make the 10% the Study Guide questions. I just can't see grading OYO questions when the answers are right there in the text.

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I didn't grade the OYO questions. I kept it simple: Tests- 50%, Labs- 25%, Notebook- 25%.


As for the study guides, if my son got less than 80%, I required him to redo it. That helped with the tests.



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