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Why MEP over SM?


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Curiosity drives me to ask why choose MEP over something like SM? Is it really a ton better to warrant all the printing and toner and paper? I just printed out some to use as supplements for my girls and WOW man it sucked through half a drum of toner printing out all of 2a and 4a student pages only. I think I shall just order them some SM books from here on out cause man ouch and there is no kinkos nearby so doing it any other way is not really an option.

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Last year I printed off all the workbooks for 2 boys at once (on draft/economy setting) and still had a wee bit left in my ink cartridge. No, my ink is not cheap, but I had in my hands a year's worth of math for two kids for the price of an ink cartridge. Not bad, really. It was still less than I paid for all my Singapore materials (and that was at used prices, and my guys share the books).

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I just printed off 1 1/2 years of student pages for two children along with 6 sets of the number cards, a set of the number lines, and a set of the sign cards. All of this from one ink cartridge which is still not empty and is still printing darkly. I wanted to see how much I could get with one cartridge. The paper I always buy when it is super cheap on sales or even free or for a penny sometimes from Staples. Its the only time I buy paper and I stock up on it almost to the point of ridiculousness because my children use it for drawing paper and projects constantly. I have no plans to print the lessons plans as I don't mind to read off the computer at all. All of this for under $20. I just spent twice that amount buying Singapore materials for a year for one student used. Granted there is no textbook for the student with MEP. This will be my first year using MEP so we'll see how it goes. :) After looking it over I think we're going to like it.

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