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Alabama people-- quick question for ya

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Do you know if there are any whole food or all natural groceries in Mobile? We're going to Mobile tonight and trying to find somewhere we can stock up on things like coconut flour and Namaste mixes, other gf stuff.


I talked to one place, Kathie's Health Food in Mobile, but she didn't many of those type things. Well, she did, but everything that was gf had soy... so it's a no go. Do you know of any other places?

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What is Fresh Market? Is it like a Whole Foods? If you come up with any names let me know. :) We wont leave till about 10 pm.


I found another place call Virginia's and talked to them. They don't have coconut flour either, but they did have a big selection of Namaste mixes. They sound a little more promising.


I'm also needing rice yogurt, extra virgin coconut oil.... I can't think what else. I'm having a hard time finding anyplace that has all that. So far no one has coconut flour, then other places I've talked to one or two things I need, but not anything else. I know Rainbow in Jackson has what I need, but we're hoping not to have to go through Jackson on our way back home.

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Welcome to Mobile. It is a wonderful place for many things, but you will be hard pressed to find a selection like whole foods. Virginia's is really all that there is. I am not sure what the situation is, but Pensacola is about 40 min. from Mobile and has a great store called Evermans. SOrry I don't have better news, but this has been a struggle for us since we moved here 6 years ago.

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