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Decisions ...Decisions..

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Ughh... Im faced with some major decisions. I will be finishing my last semester at a community college online this fall semester. I have earned my Teachers assistant certificate and also associates in Humanties.

I went to state college many years ago and so between that and this college I will have many credits in ARt and Psych .

I would love to teach art in a private school or special needs school and maybe eventually work in the ART therapy field.


Sooo now Im faced with choosing a 4 yr college.( However I would finish in hopefully less then 2 yrs because of the credits I have)

However I chose to start home schooling in the fall. I still have the fall semester with online classes. so thats fine.. its after I graduate from there that I need to make the decision of whats next..:confused:

I also have my business. (which is mostly spring summer fall.I close few months in winter)


Now im faced with going back to an actual college, which would mean moving at least temporary, how would I home school, ? I could close my business for the semester and open in the spring when I finished.


I just do not know what Im going to do?? :confused:.. I really want to finish my degree, but I dont know how im going to do this?? errggg...


not sure if there was even a question here... as much as a need to vent my thoughts.. :001_unsure:

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I'm a full-time senior. It's hard, and I'm feeling burnt out and exhausted right now. But it is possible. We homeschool around my class schedule. My daughter is able to do a lot independently, my son very little.


Would you have family nearby? That's made all the difference in the world for me. My grandmother lives next door, so I can leave the kids sleeping while I go to school in the morning. They get up and do their chores and any independent work, then we have lessons when I get home. In the evenings, I read, research, write. When I have afternoon classes, w reverse it. They go to my aunt one night a month, so that's a good time to catch up. And when it's crunch time, the house is ignored, the kids get their lessons, and then they fend for themselves. A few nights of PB&Js or grilled cheese won't kill them.


Moving away for grad school is going to be a challenge, though. We'll do it, but it will be more difficult. Thankfully, they'll be old enough to stay on their own a few hours at a time. And my g-ma has talked about going with us.


The hardest part is there is no time to really relax. If I'm not doing my work, I'm prepping for theirs. Then, of course, there are extracurricular activities to keep up with for all of us. I'm not at all trying to discourage you. I'm saying it takes sheer willpower some days because the energy and "want-to" just isn't there. But it is so worth it - my kids have grown in so many ways since I pulled them out of school.


So, I'll quit rambling and answer the question. My philosophy is that every life goes through seasons. That season for us right now is all about education - mine and theirs. Their education gets top priority, mine second, we make church at least once a week, and everything else gets shoehorned in whenever there is time. One of the best things about homeschooling is that I can adjust their schedule in some ways - we drop down to the bare bones basics during my finals week, but then I'm off for a few weeks and we beef it up. We can roll with whatever is going on, and somehow it all still gets done. And every once in a while, I just get up, drop everything, and take them to the park or play board games. It's hard, and it's a balancing act, but it's also temporary. I say go for it!

Edited by mrbmom77
posted too soon
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I'm a full-time senior. It's hard, and I'm feeling burnt out and exhausted right now. But it is possible. We homeschool around my class schedule. My daughter is able to do a lot independently, my son very little.


Do you have family nearby? That's made all the difference in the world for me. My grandmother lives next door, so I can leave the kids sleeping while I go to school in the morning. They get up and do their chores and any independent work, then we have lessons when I get home. In the evenings, I read, research, write. When I have afternoon classes, w reverse it. They go to my aunt one night a month, so that's a good time to catch up. And when it's crunch time, the house is ignored, the kids get their lessons, and then they fend for themselves. A few nights of PB&Js or grilled cheese won't kill them.


Moving away for grad school is going to be a challenge, though. Good luck!



If I stay where I am, then yes I have family and could probably just make my classes night or certain days. But Id be driving probably an hour at least. I have to research the schools closest to me and see if I can make it work somehow..

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If you get a degree will you be able to use it to support your dd and continue homeschooling?


You have 9 more years with your dd. Less if she graduates and starts college classes early. Would your time be better spent building up your business so that you can continue to homeschool for the next few years? Then you can go back to school once she has graduated and moving/school and all the rest isn't such a big deal.


If you don't plan to homeschool long term, would it be better to put off classes until she is back in school?



The idea was to hopefully get a degree and move someplace where she could go to a better school. The home schooling decision was many reasons but Im just going into it thinking that we will see how it goes but she will not return to the districct we are in now. I refuse to let that happen.


Id like for her to get a HS Diploma.. Not exactly sure how that works iwth homeschooling.

But in the meantime I will be starting her HSing n the fall and finish my degree online in the fall. She definately comes first. so if I have to wait a little bit to go back then I will.


I may take the option of getting an Online bachelors in Psychology. I might have enough art classes already that after the bachelors in psych... I could then go on to seek a art therapy degree. If thats the case it would be easier. Just means skipping the Art Ed degree at least for now..

At this point I really do enjoy the pyschology so maybe I should go that route it would be more $$ then teaching.

Just weighing my options.;)

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No I went to a 4 yr school years ago (14) and never finished. I had about a year and 1/2 in soo 3 semesters of credits.

I will be getting my associates this fall on top of those credits.

I returned to community college because it was much cheaper and the classes were online.. my first reason was to get my Teachers assistant certificate just to have it.. and I did that so I stayed there to finish my associates.

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