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Anyone own the linked Fitness DVD's?

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DH and I are not on the up&up when it comes to taking care of ourselves. I want to exercise with him - make it a "Team Mom & Dad" thing.


A gym membership for both of us is out of the question for many reasons:

child care; monthly fees; time committment top the list.


I've had a few people recommend these dvd's to me in the past few months. I scoff at dvd's, however, we've been using Turbo Jam for our Ladies Sweatin' & Connectin' group and we all really like it. Same company, I guess?


Can anyone speak to these dvd's from first-hand-experience?


Thank you,


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Dh uses these. He has two DVDs and you alternate them. One is cardio (5 minutes of yoga, 41 minutes workout, plus 6 minute ab workout). The other is a sculpt DVD and it's 38 minutes. It includes dumbells (or elastic band), squats, and pushups.


He finds them challenging and has had to work up to actually doing the entire dvd. The workout is intense. You work your way up on them by deciding how heavy the weights and how many reps to do. I decided that I didn't need anything quite that difficult, so he's on his own on these!!


I use the Leslie Sansome Walk Away the Pounds (I've been doing the 4 mile walk daily!) and a balance ball workout that is sculpting.


I think it's great that you and your dh want to do this together though!! It's a great example for your kids!!

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I LOVE Beachbody products. First, Jennifer's hubby is doing Power90 which is the version before P90X. X is the EXTREME and it REALLY is extreme. There are 12 workouts, each 60-90 minutes long, and you NEVER quit working HARD the whole time. You might want to do 60 days to 6 months of Turbo Jam, Power90, etc first.


I don't want to discourage you in the least. I LOVE P90X. There is a test on the site, btw. Go to your link above, scroll to just before the video clips and click "learn more about p90X". On that next page, click the button "Is P90X for you?" There you'll find a fitness test to see where you're at.




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I have started and stopped several times. It is a 13 week program and I have never got past week 5. I am doing it again because I am feeling good again. There are some key things.


1. You will probably restart this program several times because it takes getting used to. You will have to adjust to exercising EVERYDAY. You will have to get adjust the exercises. You will have to adjust for the time commitment. You will need to be alone for an hour to an hour and half. I've been tripped up many times by constant kiddie interruptions and life.


2. You need to get a nutrition/body building fitness stack. I am using bnsonline. It makes a huge difference in how you feel during your workouts, after your workouts and leading up to your workouts. It improves your results. A stack also helps you keep your nutrition in line.


3. Don't skip any workouts. I've made this mistake many times and it has led to me stop the program. Don't skip any workouts.


4. Be mindful of what you eat. They have diet recommendations in the book and they are not for me! I stick with my supplement stack and try not to eat much junk at all. I'm sure you will get fab results with Tony Horton's diet plan but it sounded meager, gross, and a hassle to me.


5. Be prepared for swelling. Don't get discouraged although it is easy to do. This also put me off the first couple of times I started the program. This happened to my dh (doing a different program). He stuck it out and dropped the weight. I gave up and now have to start at the beginning again. It just bummed me out to be gaining in size. Truly, the supplement stack has helped alot in this area.


6. The chin up bar is a piece of sh!t. Get the bands or some other pull up thing. Make sure that you have enough weight in the beginning, anticipate gains. You will frustrate yourself if you have to back the store over and over again to get more weights.


Um..that's it.

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