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Perfectionists Unite--Just Get 'er Done

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My life-long struggle with perfectionism sometimes makes it difficult for me to be motivated to do anything in a given area because I know the result won't be perfect. Today I started a battle with one area--scrapbooking--and I was pleased with both the result and the feeling of accomplishment. I posted my first digital layout (after 10 years of wanting to scrapbook) and wrote about it on my blog.


What things in your life have you fellow perfectionists found ways/motivation to do "well enough" instead of procrastinating for the elusive ideal? Any thoughts or advice you'd like to share?

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I eagerly await the wisdom to come.


I guess what helped me a little was to have a perfectionist kid and see how much it complicated his life. Once I started encouraging him to embrace "better done than perfect," I started believing it myself.

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Ugh. That's me.


I feel my house ought to be magazine perfect because it used to be. Always felt that way and it's a real struggle for me personally. But I don't care if someone else's home is trashed. Go figure. It's my own battle with my own territory. I truly struggle in this area.


Anyhow, since my boy with special needs came along, I've had to change. I had to realize that I'll never get respite or have friends over if I don't just accept that my house is not immaculate anymore. So it's messy. It can be perfect and then the next day there's a pile of paper on one particular counter in the kitchen, and honestly, it will snowball big time for months. I feel if I can't clean it perfectly due to time constraints, then why bother. So what I've done is this: I tackle a small area. I confine my vision to that one small area, be it on top of the dishwasher or the desk. And I just do it. I do it well, but I have to just DO IT. So then all day I can look at it and smile. I try not to look at the rest of the piles to be sorted through. :glare:

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