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Advice needed for attending a homeschool convention

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I haven't been to one in a few years but have a chance to attend one this weekend. My intention is to visit vendors to find next years stuff, not to listen to speakers (although I may change my mind once I get there). What is the best way to get what I want/need without getting a ton of really cool looking stuff that I won't use? Does that even make sense? I'm afraid I'm going to get in there, see lots of fabulous learning toys and tools and spend more money than alloted and have nothing left over for books. :lol:


Any advice on how to control myself? I'm afraid I'll want to take everything cute home that I see at this *curriculum petting zoo*. :D





*coined by another WTM member but too cute not to use:lol:

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I lose control everytime. Then I get depressed because I didn't exercise self control.


But I do some ideas for my next convention...


1. Make a list of what you need.


2. Make a list of curriculum you want to see in real life.


3. Add up what you need then add a little extra for 'fun' stuff and bring that amount in cash. Don't forget cash for food, drinks, and snacks because you will need that too.


Do not bring bank card, credit card, or checkbook into convention.



I get so weak at them. It is as though I will never again get another chance to purchase homeschool supplies!


Good luck, may the force be with you!



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Do not bring bank card, credit card, or checkbook into convention.



I tried to do that last year (it was my first time going to a curriculum fair), and many of the vendors wouldn't take cash. I ended up having to have my friend write checks for me and I gave her the cash. Is there a way to find out ahead of time if your preferred vendors will take cash?

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I tried to do that last year (it was my first time going to a curriculum fair), and many of the vendors wouldn't take cash. I ended up having to have my friend write checks for me and I gave her the cash. Is there a way to find out ahead of time if your preferred vendors will take cash?


Oh no! I have my cash out already. I can't believe someone wouldn't take cash; that's stinky!


Thank you for your tips. I will make a list of needed items so I will stick to the script, as it were. lol

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Whew, I survived!! I bought the things on my list that were available, then went to the Greathall productions booth and spent the rest of my money on Jim Weiss CD's! It was tremendous fun and the kids are so excited at my new buys that I am certain we will not be waiting until August to begin using them. :)


Thank you for all your tips. I was prepared and didn't get carried away until it was necessary. lol

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